Essay Sample on Importance of Internet

📌Category: Internet
📌Words: 665
📌Pages: 3
📌Published: 02 August 2022

The internet is affecting and contributing to people's intelligence positively. The internet is used by everybody on a daily basis. Whether it's for educational use, entertainment, work, shoppings, etc, the internet finds a way to be used in every environment. Many biased opinions and viewpoints are made on the internet and how it affects people and the way it is used and what for. The internet is where information ranges from the most simple topic to the most complex things can be reached. The internet allowing access to information that cannot be accessible through textbooks makes for great educational use that contributes to people's intelligence.  

The internet is a global network connecting billions of electronic devices such as computers, cellphones, tablets, etc. The internet allows people the ability to share, connect, communicate, and research at any given point in time. The internet is a place that contains information which is important and useful. Executive Director of BioQUEST Curriculum Consortium Kristin Jenkins explained, “Access to information is enormously powerful, and the internet has provided access to people in a way we have never before experienced”. The use of the interest in terms of gathering information and knowledge whether for personal use, work, school, or just because you wanna know, is educational. The internet is the ultimate textbook and learning system, but with easier access to the information. The internet has many uses to it, but the only ones viewed upon by many are social media and the problematic areas of it. The use of the internet in terms of acquiring knowledge and informational purposes are the positive outcomes of the internet. 

When people do not support, agree, or believe in something they will find and say anything to support and back up their reasoning for it, for example the internet. Many have “reasoning” to believe the internet is “making us stupid” and is overall taking over the younger generations. (Con 1 paragraph 1): “trains caused worry among some “that women’s bodies were not designed to go at 50 miles an hour,” and so their “uteruses would fly out of [their] bodies as they were accelerated to that speed.” Others feared that bodies, regardless of gender, would simply melt at such a high speed. [19] Information technologies have not escaped the centuries-old technophobia.” Something that is new and an advanced step in society can make many take a step back and become skeptical. The internet has had that effect on the world and society prior to the internet. Generally speaking older generations who have not been raised or grown up around technology/internet do not have the same views as those generations who were born and grew up in the prime of technology and the use of the internet. Because of the different viewpoints different generations have on the internet can cause biased opinions and statements. Not understanding what the internet is and how it is really used by people in everyday life can lead to statements that speak negatively on it. 

The use of the internet has progressively increased over the last few years. The internet has been brought to places such as schools/learning spaces to improve and further learning resources. If the internet was really “making us stupid” why would it be brought in and used in a place of educatuonal porpose. The internet has been brought into schools to enhance learning resources, Executive Director of BioQUEST Curriculum Consortium Kristin Jenkins said: “Information that was once accessed through print materials that were not available to everyone and often out of date is now much more readily available to many more people.” Another source from (The Source Of Education, Paragraph 1) “The Internet has been a boon in the field of education as it provides speedy access to the latest information that might not always be found after spending laborious hours in musty libraries. But with the internet, all it takes is the pressing of a few buttons and you get access to tons of information on almost anything under the sun.” The internet is used in schools all over the world to help educate students, and give them the access to learning materials and information that may not be available or accessible through a textbook. People cannot learn and research about topics that are happening in the present day through a textbook.

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