Comparative Essay Example: Mets and Yankees Fans

📌Category: Sports
📌Words: 743
📌Pages: 3
📌Published: 03 August 2022

The Yankees and Mets are notorious for their loud and passionate fanbases. Each time the two teams come together, so do their fans.  But, despite their close proximity, these fanbases couldn’t be any more different.  The Mets and Yankees constantly find themselves in tight corners together and the only way to resolve it is to have a winner.  Every year, whenever the Subway Series (when the two teams play each other) comes around, the only way to settle the debate on who is better is the team that wins the Series.

The big difference between Mets and Yankees fans is how they talk about their teams.  Mets fans will stick with the Mets and believe in them until the bitter end.  Yankees fans, on the other hand, are sunny-day friends. They will always be very vocal and positive when the Yankees are winning, but  once the team hits a bump in the road, they are gonna let the team hear it.  Typically, Mets fans go into the season having very high expectations, but they get let down due to under performance.  Yankees fans go into the season mad that they haven’t gotten any new players, but they still do well anyway. 

Yankee fans tend to get to watch their team excel longer into the season although they start the season expecting a letdown. Yankee fans live on the ultimate roller coaster and every spring they just get right back on the ride. Met fans are mentally prepared for a lifetime's worth of disappointment after their first couple of seasons being fans of the team. Met fans try their hardest to put the spotlight on the very few decent players they have, but they are constantly let down by the other players on the team. A team needs to be supported all around and the Mets haven’t had a fully functional team in a very long time. The Yankees tend to be pretty balanced on all ends and when they aren’t, Yankee fans can tell. 

Yankee fans are definitely louder than Met fans by a lot, and that is truly saying something. Yankee fans will make stadiums shake and leave their beloved players in tears of joy. You can tell a Yankee fan by a Met fan from their levels of anxiety. Yankee fans are constantly all over the place because of how bumpy their seasons can sometimes get, they hit rough patches constantly. Although these rough patches affect the team and their record, it affects the fans (especially the very passionate ones). So that's why Yankee fans talk so much when the team squeezes their way into the playoffs… and the Mets don’t. This is what I meant by Met fans are prepared for a lifetime's worth of disappointment. They constantly are projected to do great, but then injuries and slumps slowly but surely catch up to them and they’re a third place team in a division with five teams in it. Yankee fans are also very anxious because of the division they’re in. Having to compete with teams like the Rays, Red Sox, and Blue Jays does something to a person that is irreversible. But that's why they’re so passionate and vocal when they get the chance to support their team. 

Met fans are more used to unfortunate endings than the Titanic. No matter how you wanna go about it, the ship always sinks.  Baseball and the New York Mets are truly a match made in hell. Although in recent years they have been nothing but a slightly under-average team, they have succeeded before in the past. So its seasons like the 1986 Mets that keep their very passionate fans going. 

Mets and Yankees fans have only come together on the biggest stage possible (The World Series) Once. In the year 2000, Both New York teams played each other for the World Series Championship. Unfortunately for Met fans, the Yankees came out on top. It was October 21, 2000, A crowd of 55,913 on their feet all packed into the Original Yankee Stadium. A mix of Yankees and Mets fans all roared for their teams trying to out scream and out-score their rivals. But Met fans only won one of the five games played in the 2000 World Series which left Yankee fans with more bragging rights than ever. 

So the question of what fanbase is better isn’t a question that can truly be directly answered. If you ask a Yankee or Met fan this question will be just like talking to your dog, they’re gonna bark at you and none of it is going to make any sense whatsoever. But that’s what defines them as fanbases, they’re loud and they could both make good arguments for themselves but they choose not to.

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