Personal Essay Example: Sports is the Key to Friendship

📌Category: Friendship, Life, Myself, Sports
📌Words: 515
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 10 August 2022

Sports are an easy thing to get into at any age. There are so many kinds of sports like basketball, football, volleyball, etc. It is important to at least try to do a couple of various kinds and see if it is something one could enjoy. The most important thing a sport can do is create lifelong friendships. I know sports can lead to lifelong friendships because I have those friendships because of volleyball. 

When I moved to a new school, sports were the easiest way for me to make friends. I enjoyed volleyball and decided to join their school's volleyball team. I played at old school, and I wanted to continue. For the first couple of weeks of practice I did not feel like I was a part of the team. I mean, these girls have all known and played with one another since seventh grade. Our first game was the following Thursday. As the days and practices quickly started to go by, my mind grew more anxious every day.  

Before I knew it, it was Thursday. Game day. I would always get nervous on game days. That was nothing out of the ordinary for me. This time was different. Maybe because it was my first game with the team. As we ran out to start warming up, I started to feel the best I had all day. I do not know if it was music playing or the hype between my teammates and the crowd, but I was glad that horrible feeling in my stomach was gone. If only I knew that time would be so short. We were only halfway through warmups when the horrible feeling came back. This time, it felt like I just got shot in the lung. I watched my old team walk through the gym doors. They all, one by one, glared at me while laughing at one another. At that moment, I did not know if I wanted to vomit or cry or do both. When my teammates saw all the girls walk in, they all looked straight my way. They saw the shock and terror in my eyes.  

The clock went off and it was time for the game. We got in a huddle and had our usual pregame talk. Right before my teammates went on to the court, they all came over and told me that I was a part of a family now, and they had my back no matter what. So, their advice was to just ignore them and play this game. My old teammates cheered for the team we played against the entire time. Shockingly, it did not bother me. If anything, it focused and motivated me. The game ended, and my team won in three sets. At that moment, I finally felt one with my team. The win did not even matter to me. I was just so happy I had made some lifelong friends.  

Playing volleyball helped me make friends at a new school. Without joining the team, I would not have half the friends I do now. I made friendships from volleyball, so I know that any sport can have the potential to create lifetime friendships too. Therefore, I know getting involved with any sport can help one make lifelong friendships. 

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