Adam and Eve Essay Example

📌Category: Christianity, Religion
📌Words: 731
📌Pages: 3
📌Published: 09 September 2021

As the first couple, Adam and Eve, despite living in a place of infinite beauty and having a close relationship with God, faced challenges. Utterly alone, with only each other, God, and wild animals for comfort, they find their roles as caretakers of Eden. Paradise Lost gives a detailed description of their beginnings, their relationship to one another, and the reason for their downfall. At first glance, Adam falls in love with Eve; her beauty leaves him stunned and causes him to ultimately sin, and follow her instead of God. What begins as innocent, faithful love, a gift from God, turns into a deadly trap that leads Adam into disobedience and death. 

Adam and Eve are created by God and come to consciousness in similar ways, but with vast differences that highlight their strengths. Contrasting Adam’s emergence, as he discovers his abilities, he reasons about his origins and how he came to be, to Eve’s, as she too wonders where she came from, but is drawn to a lake where she finds, “looks/Of sympathy and love” (lines 464-465). Adam calls out to her and warns her that she is looking at herself. He goes on to explain her presence in the garden “to give thee being I lent/ Out of my side to thee, nearest my heart/ Substantial life, to have thee by my side”, speaking of his sacrifice for her (lines 483-485). From Eve’s first awakening, she is captivated by her appearance and almost rejects Adam for her own company due to her feeling nature and lack of reasoning, where Adam’s intelligence leads him to wisdom. Illustrating the differences in their nature: Adam’s strength is his reason, and Eve’s is feelings (Bower, pg 266). 

Working side by side in the garden of Eden, Adam tries to take the leadership position and tells Eve the one thing they must never do; “not to taste…[ of the] Tree Of Knowledge” (book 4, lines 423-424). Together they tend, “plant, herb and flow’r” and “lop overgrown, or prune, or prop, or bind” (lines 206, 210). As Eve begins to tire of the daily routine, she seeks a change in scenery and asks Adam to let her work alone in a different place. Eve remarks, “Let us divide our labors, thou where choice Leads thee, or where most needs…while I/ in yonder spring of roses intermixed/ With myrtle, find what to redress till noon” (lines 214-215, 217-219). Previously, Adam has been warned that their foe, Satan, is looking for a chance to bring “woe and shame/ By sly assault” (lines 255-256). Adam possesses a voice of reason to temper Eve’s innocent but thoughtless request, as he reminds her of the warning given to them. Nevertheless, with careful rebuttals, Eve is left alone to her gardening giving Satan a vital opportunity to tempt her. 

Living in harmony together Adam and Eve’s relationship is built on the love and respect they have for each another. Eve’s regard for her husband’s wisdom leads her to remark, “…[I]    from that time see/ How beauty is excelled by manly grace/And wisdom, which alone is truly fair” (lines 489-491). However, Adam seems to prize Eve’s beauty above his wisdom, “All higher knowledge in her presence falls/Degraded, wisdom in discourse with her/loses discount’naced…” (lines 551-553). Fredson Bower points out the problem with this, “If Adam undervalues his wisdom and exalts her beauty above it, guided by him she will do the same…She will not respect his values if he himself does not respect them. If he will not lead, she cannot follow.” (Bower, pg 266). Later, the warning becomes reality as Adam refuses to place restraints on Eve’s passion and wild beauty and finally allows her to go off alone. Satan takes the opportunity to tempt her with flattery to taste the forbidden fruit. Eve urges Adam to eat, and he does “against his better knowledge, not deceived/ but fondly overcome with female charm” (lines 998-999). Overcome with passion, Adam’s reasoning dissipates and his love for Eve leads him to disobey God.

Unending love for his wife above God ends in destruction for all humanity if not for God’s compassion and mercy. In catching Eve alone, Satan appeals to her pride, and in convincing Eve to eat, she prompts her husband to do so, out of love and concern for her, accomplishing his task of ruining mankind. Banished from Eden as a result of their sin, Adam pays a high cost for letting his desire for Eve overwhelm his longing for God. His reluctance to place boundaries for Eve because of low self-esteem leads them to shame and sorrow. Still, despite Adam’s misplaced love, God’s love prevails, and in, he plans to redeem the whole human race through his Son.

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