Sun Stand Still by Steven Furtick Analysis Essay Example

📌Category: Books, Christianity, Religion
📌Words: 1019
📌Pages: 4
📌Published: 09 August 2022

In the book, Sun Stand Still by Steven Furtick, we are introduced to the two important and repeatable topics throughout this book of Audacious Faith and what is called our Sun Stand Still prayers. The foremost message being introduced in Sun Stand Still is our audacious faith and what happens when we dare to ask God for the impossible, understanding that nothing is too complex for He who created everything. Most Christians carry the enclosed mindset of what would be described in this book as an “ordinary” mindset. However, when we decide to think outside of the box and our physical limits and rely on what God can and might do for you if you only have the audacity to ask, we can perceive a whole new aspect of life and our walk of faith with the Lord. Throughout the novel, Steven introduces several different aspects of how we may experience audacious faith personally. He gives examples through his personal life, references such as experiences from others’ lives, and even stories taken directly from the Bible, such as the story of Joshua. If you are unfamiliar with the story of Joshua, it essentially sums up the human ability of audacious faith and the places it is able to bring you in this world through the abundance and power of God.

Beginning from chapter one, the controversial meaning of the word “audacity” is introduced and discussed in the worldly, relevant meaning as it is seen today versus the more Biblical meaning of the word. On page eight, audacity is described through the dictionary as, “Boldness or daring, especially with confident disregard for personal comfort or conventional thought”. From a Christian point of view, I believe personally that this is exactly how we should be living as followers of Christ. Not necessarily as the world would interoperate it, though such as cocky or arrogant towards others, but perhaps more through the Biblical standpoint of living with audacity through our faith in God instead. We should be “bold and daring” in our faith, especially living with “disregard for our personal comfort” and seeking more of what God wants for us and His already designed will and purpose for our lives. I believe in order for us to grow our relationship with God and draw ourselves closer to Him we must first establish our trust and faith in Him. Backing this belief, it is stated in Hebrews 11:6, “Without faith, it is impossible to please God”.

Later on in the chapter, it discusses the idea of stepping forward in your journey of audacious faith, or rather “activating” your audacious faith. On page nineteen we talk about what God is willing to do throughout our audacious faith as long as we are willing to put enough faith and trust in him to be brave enough to ask. If we as Christians could fathom everything that God is capable of providing for us if we had the audacity to ask for it, our world would, in short, be unimaginable. As a reference quote, “There’s nothing our world needs more desperately today-in individuals, families, businesses, churches, and communities- than God’s saving, supernatural acts. And he’s ready to act if we are bold enough to ask, not just for a good day or a better life, but for the impossible.” We are given proof of this in Matthew 21:22, “And whatever you ask in prayer, you will receive, if you have faith."

“But audacious vision never cowers in the darkness. The darker it gets, the brighter our faith can shine” - page 30. As Christians we are told that after giving our lives to Christ we will face many persecutions throughout our physical lifetime, this is discussed in 2 John 15:19-20, “If you were of the world, the world would love you as its own; but because you are not of the world, but I chose you out of the world, therefore the world hates you. Remember the word that I said to you: ‘A servant is not greater than his master.’ If they persecuted me, they will also persecute you. If they keep my word, they will also keep yours.” I believe this traces back to what was being discussed in the chapter in a sense of how we should handle these persecutions and trials we are given.Even in our darkest moments our faith should still be strong,  if not the very thing that pulls us from the dark moments. 

Sometimes throughout our lives we may think that we are too ordinary for God to notice or use us to His will, we typically downplay His love for us and how He sees us as anything but ordinary. The quote I will be referencing in regard to this is found on page 43, and states, “When we hear about the big things God is doing through others, it can make our own achievements and assignments seem small”. When we step back and take a look at who Jesus had picked as his disciples, it wasn't the most loved people who never did any wrong, they were sinners, tax-collectors, and fishermen, just ordinary people. And these ordinary people served along at the right hand of Jesus Christ. Through God we are not just ordinary, but rather extraordinary, we just must accept God and the will that He has set for us. 

In conclusion we are meant to reach our full potential of our audacious faith in Christ. God is willing to provide for our needs as long as we are brave enough to ask. Through his book I have learned that we are not meant to be wholly independent with ourselves even when it comes down to our physical needs. I believe God designed us to be dependent on Him because if we could be completely and utterly dependent on ourselves, we would feel that we wouldn't need Him. Personally, I don't like to be dependent much, this has helped me see that I need to be dependent on God and that is something I would like to continue to work on in the future.It also correlates to our dependent upon God and our faithfulness through Him when things aren't going perfect in our lives. The more we are persecuted the more our faith should grow, being put down is just an opportunity to see how much stronger you can come back through God and His goodness. With everything being said, I would like to continue to grow in my audacious faith with the Lord and seek more into the understanding of my Sun Stand Still prayers.

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