Beauty in Eyes Wide Open by Steve DeWitt Essay Example

📌Category: Books, Christianity, Religion
📌Words: 717
📌Pages: 3
📌Published: 01 August 2022

There is more to beauty than physical appearance. If one is to look at a girl and say she is beautiful, many would assume that the girl’s facial features or body are what make her beautiful. However, many fail to see that the biological makeup and creation of that girl can also be considered beautiful. In Steve DeWitt’s book, Eyes Wide Open, he delves into the concept of beauty and how Christians should view it. Beauty is the reflection of God. God is the creator of everything therefore everything created is beautiful. Unfortunately, today’s culture has taken the “creator” out of “creation.” Beauty has become a surface-level concept and true or real beauty is lost due to sin. 

Sin clouds the judgment of people, especially in terms of looking at the concept of beauty, and Christians need to actively seek Christ to make their vision more clear. In chapter seven of DeWitt’s book, he refers to 2 Corinthians to further his point about the influence of sin over distinguishing beauty. The verse he uses is 2 Corinthians 4:3-6, which states, 

If our gospel is veiled, it is veiled only to those who are perishing. In their case the god of this world has blinded the minds of the unbelievers, to keep them from seeing the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God…For God, who said, “Let light shine out of darkness,” has shone in our hearts to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ” (DeWitt 99).

The reason for society’s lack of true understanding of what is beautiful is due to this world being corrupt and full of sin. However, as scripture states, there is a way to fix this dilemma.  The solution is that “mankind needs the light of understanding” to fully grasp the beauty that humans long for. Society needs to learn to identify God’s work in creation to truly understand the beauty in it. 

True beauty is found in Christ. The reason why people perceive things as beautiful is because it is created in the likeness of God. The feelings that come when one sees the sun’s rays casting over an open meadow or hears the first cries of a newborn child are small ways that God shows humans small bits of his true glory. In chapter four, “God creates beauty so that we know what he’s like” (DeWitt 62). God’s power is put on display through his creation. But to fully appreciate his work, one must identify it as his. DeWitt states, “Creation is beautiful precisely because its Creator is beautiful. God defines beauty by His essence He is the source and stands for all beauty” (DeWitt 15). Society looks at the beauty of creation on a surface level. Instead of recognizing the true reason for beauty and connecting the creator to the creation, society will begin to long for more. 

Additionally, Society tries to satisfy itself through earthly things rather than looking to Christ to fulfill that need. The need to satisfy comes from sin, so the only solution to that is to look for it in Christ. Sin does not satisfy. Society looks for beauty in life to be fulfilled. But the way they go about it fails to help them identify real beauty and satisfaction. In the essay “Beauty and the Creative Impulse”, Luci Shaw states, “Beauty isn’t always carefully planned and programmed. Sometimes it’s just a matter of slowing down and giving the mind and soul time to be reflective and response, and them looking, listening, and going with what is seen or heard” (Shaw 87). By taking time and reflecting on God’s creation that emptiness and longing for something more are slowly fulfilled. However, there is still more to it. Shaw states later, “That is, beauty is not merely a matter of face and figure or personality, but a totality of human graces which may enflesh aspects of the divine shining through individuals as through a series of windows” (Shaw 91). Christians are redeemed image-bearers. They are representatives of God’s handiwork in flesh form. As works of creation, Christians are to show society, of whom are unredeemed and conforming to sin, the wonders and beauty within themselves, found through Christ. 

Sin has made the world a dark and scary place. People go around living their lives have never come to know their creator. However, Christians can change that. By witnessing to those who do not know Christ, they can show God’s work and help the world come to know what true beauty is in the Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

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