Why People Should Always Follow Safety Regulations During Viral Outbreaks Essay Example

📌Category: Coronavirus
📌Words: 927
📌Pages: 4
📌Published: 08 August 2022

The amount of people who are ignoring safety regulations during this new coming virus is a serious problem that needs to be addressed. In my essay, I’ll be informing you about the pros, cons, and consequences if people don’t start to take this virus seriously. Safety regulations will prevent the spread rate of the virus in huge amounts, some of these regulations are to maintain social distancing, sanitizing, and wearing masks. Many people around the world are maintaining the regulations, although some people go against them. These people are usually known as “Anti-Maskers”, they frequently go on protest against maintaining safety regulations. Altogether, if additional people don’t soon put an effort into stopping the spread, many more people will be infected or killed by the virus. This is why I believe that everyone should maintain the correct safety regulations to prevent the spread of this new coming virus.

First, I would like to point out that during coronavirus, there are many advantages and disadvantages that come, but what are these advantages and disadvantages? Many people are vastly affected by these regulations. These safety regulations made people stay home or wear masks during the outbreak, however, this is happening for the greater good. According to Kamala P. Tamirisa, there are many advantages to following safety regulations during this outbreak. Kamala stated that the stay-home situation created a bigger creative capacity for children. For instance, children were able to find more interests such as reading, creating art, or musical production. Another advantage of following these safety regulations is people have more time to themselves instead of being so busy with priorities and things they need to do. It creates more space for them to do things such as going to the gym, going out with old friends, or shopping. 

Along with all the advantages of following safety regulations, there are many disadvantages. According to Jennifer Co-Vu, when schools and workplaces shut down many individuals had sudden confusion. Jennifer states that virtual learning and work was hard to navigate for many, people who didn’t own electronic devices had to purchase one during this time to participate. Another disadvantage that Jennifer pointed out was how essential workers still had to work during shelter in place. Essential workers are workers who are needed during critical times, some essential workers are first responders, health care workers, and grocery store workers. Instead of being home and having more free time for themselves these workers were needed and had a higher chance of contracting or being exposed to the virus. According to a study performed by the University of Massachusetts around 60% of essential workers didn’t feel safe at work, 71% of workers were unable to maintain social distance and 86% of workers developed stress.

Next, I would like to state how people who aren’t maintaining the correct safety measures at this time are vastly affecting the spread rate of coronavirus. A study performed by Health Affairs found out that during this time places without social distancing have 35 times the potential spread rate of coronavirus. This study proved this when looking at policies that were maintaining the correct safety measures, these places had a slower rate of infection and dropped the spread rate down by 9 percent. According to a model built by The New York Times, if safety measures were abandoned for just 2 weeks up to 125 million people will contract the virus while 1.9 million deaths will occur. This model predicts if these measures are maintained for 2 months 14 million will contract the virus and there will be fewer than 100,00 deaths. Although these numbers seem big, compared that if measures aren’t followed there will be a much greater loss.

Third, I intend to inform you all on why many people refused to wear masks or social distance during this outbreak. This is a key point during this pandemic because it vastly decreases the spread rate of this virus. According to a study set by Vox some people announced that they are “afraid to wear masks” because it will be harder for them to breathe. A huge issue that occurred during this outbreak was that when lockdown occurred many people began to doubt if coronavirus was a real issue, and if they should maintain the correct regulations. This was seen when Amy, a 48-year-old mother from Ohio decided to support the Anti-Mask movement after hearing the news of extended lockdown. Anti-Maskers usually give reasons like wearing masks or maintaining other regulations is a violation of their freedom or that coronavirus isn’t real, this was shown when Vox interviewed several Anti-Maskers. In some interviews, various Anti-Maskers revealed that they support this movement really because masks are uncomfortable or that social distancing is annoying to maintain. 

Some people may argue that coronavirus isn’t real or wearing masks and social distancing is torture, and it violates their freedom. Although some people argue these things about coronavirus, there have been multiple counterarguments showing that coronavirus is real or that without these various safety regulations more people would contract the virus. An article that can prove coronavirus is real is Scientists: 'Exactly zero' evidence COVID-19 came from a lab, this article proves that coronavirus isn’t manmade and it more likely developed naturally. To add on, an article by the CDC, How to Protect Yourself and Others - COVID-19 - CDC explains how safety regulations work and how it can be safer for the environment. 

In conclusion, if people don’t start participating in maintaining safety regulations during this new coming virus, many more people will be infected with the coronavirus. Many consequences will follow if these regulations keep being ignored by some people, for example, the spread rate will rise to an exceeding amount that will lead to over 2 million deaths in just 2 weeks. Not just this but people who are infected can be left with serious side effects that can leave them with kidney impairments or temporarily paralyzed. This is why people should always follow safety regulations during viral outbreaks to prevent the spread of any virus.

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