Video Games Are Good for Children Argumentative Essay Example

📌Category: Child development, Entertainment, Games, Psychology
📌Words: 689
📌Pages: 3
📌Published: 07 August 2022

Are you a parent who thinks video games are terrible for a child's well-being? Do you think children have nothing to benefit from video games and will harm your children's health? Well, there is an argument that people say video games harm people or some people think video games are good for children. Which video games can treat people with ADHD. Well, I think video games are good for children. 

One reason is that video games are more social than people think. Some reasons are that some people have an easier time making friends online than in real life. It’s also more social because it has an online version of the games where you meet real-life people in games and can play with them and even make friends. Some evidence for this from the article called ‘’Video Gaming Is More Social Than We Might Think’’ states,’’ He worked on "World of Warcraft" and then as lead designer on Blizzard's ultra-popular, team-based shooter, "Overwatch." Both are largely designed around in-game friendships.’’ Which shows that popular games are social.

Another reason that video games are good for children is that action video games may be used to treat people with ADHD.Some evidence would be from the article “Action Video Games May Be Used To Treat People With ADHD” It states,’’ The kids who played Akili's game showed improved attention spans over the kids who played the normal game.’’ Which would show how video games are good for children. Another evidence from the same article would be that Schroeder is concerned about giving kids too much medicine. That's why he's excited about a video game that could get the same results as medicine.’’ Which would be good for children instead of giving them medicine and drugs.

Video games can be good for children. This is supported by the article “Video games can be harmless and even helpful”. In the article, it's stated “Playing a shooter game or other games can improve your thinking capacity.” Also it can help hand-eye coordination and eye-tracking. This shows that video games can help and be good for children. Also, the same article states that’’ Gaming can also lead to an improvement in math and other subjects.’’ Which shows how videogames can be good for children.

Another reason that video games can be good for children is that study suggests video games can help with mental health. Some evidence to support this is from the article ‘’Study Suggests Video Games Can Help With Mental Health’’ states,’’ The researchers found that the amount of time spent playing was a small but significant positive factor in people's well-being.’’ Which shows that video games can be good for children. Another evidence to support video games can be good for children and their mental health from the same article states,’’ Video games have been a source of fun for many people who are stuck at home.’’ Which shows how videogames are good and help mental health. 

Video games can be good for people with disabilities. This is supported by the article, “Video games provide an even playing field for people with disabilities”. This is supported by the text stating “Video gaming as a way to make connections can be useful," said psychologist Dr. Nancy Mramor. It is especially true "when people have no other way to connect," she said.” This shows that it can be a great way to connect when there is no other way.

I know some people might think that video games are bad for kids. Some people might say that video games harm children's health. Also, some people might say that they have nothing to learn from video games and will just rott their brains. The article “How friendships thrived in video games during the pandemic“stated “Every night between 7 p.m. and 2 a.m., the 19-year-old college sophomore hangs out with a group of friends on the app Discord. Usually, around six to eight people are logged in at any given time.” This shows that they spent too much time on discord. 

After all, these people will still want their opinion to be right but you have to see that video games are good for children. It helps with curing ADHD. Video games are harmless and even helpful. Another thing is video games are social and help people make friends. Video games also help with mental health so after all whether you like it or not video games are helpful to children and do not harm them.

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