Essay Sample on The Importance of Sport for Kids

📌Category: Child development, Psychology, Sports
📌Words: 383
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 26 July 2022

Tons of kids around the world play competitive sports, but shouldn't they? Yes, they should! Competitive sports teach children many skills that they will use later in life. Kids learn skills such as teamwork, respect, and how to maintain good health.  

Teamwork is a skill everybody uses. Workplaces, school, home, and almost everywhere if we use teamwork. Sadly, some people do not learn the skill till later in life. Sports are a good way to prepare kids for adulthood. They will learn how to communicate with others in a positive healthy environment. they will learn how to work as a team by communicating with teammates in game and at practice. Working out problems by themselves teaches them how to resolve conflicts without making it a huge deal. Sports may also teach kids how to be respectful. 

Respect can take a person respect can take a person farther in life than expected. From a raise in your income to getting on a sports team can be chosen if someone is respectful. And let's be honest everybody likes someone more when they respect us. Children will learn to respect coaches, teammates, other parents, and themselves in sports. They will learn this by the discipline of coaches and the rules of the game. They will also learn how to maintain good health. 

As a lot of people know, kids do not work out or eat healthily. Which is understandable since they're young and you don't have to worry about their health most of the time. But what about later in life, when their metabolism catches up with them? A way to fix this problem, sports! Sports will keep children active and fit. They may even choose to eat better too. They learn proper ways to exercise and stretch their bodies. They also learn how much better they perform in games when they eat healthier. 

Apart from many advantages, there are some disadvantages to sports for children. Disadvantages such as money or cost. But children do not have to play at the best level of their sport, there are many leagues that do not cost a ton, but the kids still get the same benefits. 

In conclusion, children should be put into sports because of all the benefits they get. Sports will teach them life skills that they will need later in life. These kids will be the politicians, schoolteachers, business leaders, and influencers of the future. Don’t you think we should teach them the skills they will need?

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