The Importance of Travelling Essay Example

📌Category: Traveling
📌Words: 462
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 28 June 2022

Many people value traveling abroad and experiencing new cultures. With 195 countries and with an area of 196.9 million miles^2, the Earth is overflowing with different food, languages, and architecture that can be explored. Recent studies have found that not only are these trips enjoyable, but they are extremely beneficial to a human’s health and mind. Traveling abroad is a key piece in the puzzle of living well. 

Traveling is enjoyable and has the ability to relieve anxiety. According to VeryWell Mind, three days after taking a vacation many travelers report feeling more relaxed. Scientifically speaking, traveling lowers cortisol levels. This chemical is one of the three stress hormones in a human’s body. The decrease in this hormone causes the body to feel calm and content. In addition to this, having the ability to be in a new environment and culture acts as a bubble which removes you from your current everyday life. For many people this allows them to forget about their responsibilities at home. This relief is extremely important since many American citizens struggle with anxiety. Over forty million adults struggle with anxiety in the United States alone. Traveling is a non medication route to recovery for many adults. While it may seem small to some, taking time away from home proves to be extremely beneficial for mental health. 

Not only is traveling enjoyable, it also supports the systems in a human’s body. A study done by The Global Commision on Aging and Transamerica Center for Retirement Studies found that women who vacation at least twice a year have significantly less heart attacks than those who don’t travel as frequently. The same goes for men as well. In addition, experiencing the different environments which you are exposed to because of traveling your body has the ability to develop stronger antibodies which boost your immune system. These antibodies protect people from diseases and improve the body's overall health. 

In addition to these benefits, travelling broadens your view on other cultures and how other people around the world live their daily lives in comparison to you. In an interview, Ashleigh Speaks, age 41, was asked “would you recommend travelling to others and why?” in which she responded by stating, “Absolutely I’d recommend traveling. It changes your outlook on life the way you relate to other people”. Exploration of new communities and cultures can impact the way in which you interact with other people. This change in social interactions strengthens the ability to be accepting of others who may be different from yourself and promotes acceptance in societies. With issues surrounding gay rights, black lives matter, and relgious differences, this acceptance is a major issue which should be spread more. Travelling may prove to be a way to do so. 

Visiting new countries and cultures reduces anxiety, has major health benefits, and broadens your horizons on how other people live. To improve your mental and physical health many argue you should continue to go on these trips. Traveling is an extremely important part of living well.

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