The Importance of Planning in Life Essay Example

📌Category: Life, Philosophy, Success
📌Words: 472
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 20 July 2022

Detailed planning should be the number one priority when it comes to achieving success in life. Someone I hold very dear once said “A clear mind can overcome all obstacles.” I agree because I am a firm believer that we can function in our true potential when we have our minds at ease. And for this, we need to get our life planned. A planned life will give you a sense of peace. You will no longer need to wonder about whether you are making the correct decisions or not.

We talk about detailed planning in life as a strategy but for the most part, it is a process. It is obviously easier said than done, no one can be a life planner overnight. One might think that they need to plan every single detail of their lives while others figure that it just matters if they plan the important stuff. What is important here is to take things slow, one by one. By taking your time to get to know yourself. It should not be forgotten that personalized plans are the best kind of plans. You can't expect efficiency if you just learn about someone else’s plan and make it your own. Each and every one of us is a different individual. Therefore, we have different needs, desires, and, of course, priorities.

Planning helps guide the future towards oneself and others for an effective standard of living. For example, if in the future you need money immediately, what are you going to do? That's why most people choose to save money so that they can walk towards the future confidently. That is why planning is important to survive and achieve success in life. It is just like how it is in the game of chess. Even if you don't have a plan for your end game, it is essential that you always think of your next move beforehand.

Taking risks is not a bad thing if it is done in a smart and healthy way. If one can significantly decrease the disadvantages of situations and get the odds on their side, taking risks can be rewarding. which means that even your risks should be planned. Planning your life gives you control. If you create a plan that means that you are going to make choices and decisions, rather than leaving things up to chance. It makes it easier for you to determine your priorities and focus on them when you come up with a plan because we all have multiple responsibilities and priorities in our lives.

The bottom line is, planning can turn your dreams into a reality. With a realistic plan in place, you will be amazed to see how achievable your dreams can turn out to be. Besides, having a meaning of goal can do a lot to make you happier. Once you have a plan set in place and you start putting it into action, you will feel start feeling less and less empty because you will be living purposefully driven by your positive ambitions.

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