Essay Sample about Success

📌Category: Philosophy, Success
📌Words: 349
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 28 June 2022

Success is often measured in terms of the basic standards imposed by society. However, it is truly measured by how someone holds themselves accountable to their individual goals. Whether that be through hard work, perseverance, accountability for their actions, or a range of other things, the core concept of success is not giving up on oneself.

In essence, success is how one holds themselves accountable to excel in the goals they have devised. When someone strives to work hard and achieve things far greater than what they are expected to by others, they are doing so not to be seen as successful through others eyes, but to be seen as successful through their own eyes. This sometimes means that you must stray away from what others want you to do in order to accomplish what you must, which requires a great deal of bravery. Nevertheless, through bravery and perseverance, success is born. 

However, some might argue that success is simply getting a job promotion, or receiving a good grade on a test. Although this too can be a measure of triumph, it is not what people should see as the pinnacle of success. Chiefly because one’s self worth should not be rested upon a grade or a job. It should be something that is a continuous effort to work on and better, with the goal of accomplishing goals not in a career, but in life. 

Success truly is the never-ending commitment to better oneself, and meet one’s own goals and expectations. When we realize that our victories should not be measured by what others expect from us, we can truly begin to excel in the ways we push ourselves towards being successful. 

After all, we cannot allow others to live vicariously through us by enforcing their measures of success onto our own. We must strive to work hard and excel in all that we can, as long as it is all in an effort to become the best version of ourselves. In short, success does not have one single definition. It is defined by all of us, every day, through every individual step we take on the staircase to triumph as a human being. No word in the dictionary can truly define the standards we hold to oneself.

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