Persuasive Essay Example: Students Should Sleep More

📌Category: Education, School
📌Words: 501
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 21 July 2022

Over 40 states, at least 75 percent of public schools start earlier than 8:30 a.m. The worst thing is that schools clearly play an important role in students’ daily schedules. Which means they are doing it on purpose. Students should have more sleep for their better good. Moreover, students should sleep more because they can survive a car accident, they can get better grades, and finally, they can be happy because they're not depressed.

To start off, students should sleep more because they can get into a car accident. The street is a rough place for teens if you don't be careful, especially if you don't sleep. According to source A in the passage Why School Should Start Later in the Morning, "Researchers analyzed data from over 9,000 students at eight high schools in Minnesota, Colorado, and Wyoming and found a dramatic drop in teen car crashes." This is showing that the more schools that bump up their time schedules, it will be better for teens' lives all around the globe. In the end, the more sleep teens have, the more chances of humans surviving. To sum it up, high school students should have more sleep for more chances of not getting into an accident.

Another reason students should sleep more is because people can get better grades. When students do a state exam, the first thing the administration says is to get a good rest. This is because having a good rest gives you a better mentality. According to the passage Why School Should Start Later in the Morning, "Researchers analyzed data from over 9,000 students at eight high schools in Minnesota, Colorado, and Wyoming and found that shifting the school day later in the morning resulted in a boost in attendance, test scores, and grades in math, English, science, and social studies. Schools also saw a decrease in tardiness." This means the more students sleep, the better they are going to do with grades and attendance. In a nutshell, students should sleep more for better grades.

Students can just sleep earlier and sleep the 8 hours that they are supposed to. But it is harder for teenagers to sleep than adults and it has been proven that students who sleep more take part in the class and are happier. Some students sleep for about five hours and because of this, students will act more depressed because they did not sleep. The text Backgrounder: Later School Start Times says that," Young people who do not get enough sleep at night after night carry a significant risk for fall asleep emotional and behavioral problems such as irritability, depression, poor impulse control and violence; health complaints; tobacco and alcohol use; impaired cognitive function and decision-making; and lower overall performance in everything from academics to athletics." This means that depression is a potent thing and should not be messed around with. In conclusion, students should sleep more, so what is listed above does not happen.

All in all students should sleep more because it prevents car accidents, it makes adolescents get better grades in school, and it prevents depression. So waking up early is bad for you. Therefore, schools should make students wake up at 8:00 instead of 7:00 in the morning for there better good.

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