Persuasive Essay Example: Huskies Are the Best Pets

📌Category: Life, Pets
📌Words: 231
📌Pages: 1
📌Published: 06 August 2022

The Siberian Husky has some very unusual characteristics. Some of the characteristics are behavioral and some are physical. Known from the region from which they come, Siberian Huskies are some of the world's most well-known pups. . Although some may disagree, Siberian Huskies make the best pets because they are intelligent, energetic, and hilarious.

According to researcher Stanley Coren, Siberian Huskies are intelligent dogs. In fact, Huskies ranked as the 74th smartest dog breed out of 138 for obedience and working intelligence. But what actually makes the Husky smart is their ability to effectively communicate with people. As a result, they have become one of the best working dog breeds alongside humans.

Huskies are hyper due to their high energy levels. This energy can be exerted through a large amount of exercise like running or walking. As a result, they make amazing workout partners.

Although they look like huge beasts, they are very goofy. Huskies generally are incredibly in every way possible. Whenever you ask a Husky to do something it does not want to do, it will react in a very goofy manner. As huskies do not show any form of aggressive behavior, you see the aloof reaction to your command. They can do anything from whining, erratic behavior, lying on the floor and staring at you to howling. 

In conclusion, Huskies are the best pets because of their outgoing, playful personality. Always on the go, with a keen eye for adventure huskies are the perfect pet for any dog lover.

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