Organizations That Want to Save the Ocean Essay Sample

📌Category: Environment, Ocean
📌Words: 509
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 07 August 2022

There are some things wrong with the earth. The ocean being trashed is one of them. People every day through trash in the ocean and it’s getting worse. There are some organizations that are accepting donations to help the ocean like Team Seas and The Ocean Cleanup. 

Team Seas is an organization made by MrBeast and Mark Rober in 2021. MrBeast is a YouTuber that does a lot to help people and the world, for example, he had another fundraiser called Team Trees. He is known for his YouTube videos on the channel MrBeast. Mark Rober is known for YouTube videos, but he was a NASA engineer before that, he made many machines that vary in purpose. They both came together and made a fundraiser to save the ocean. Team Seas has gained a lot of popularity because of MrBeast and Mark Rober being a part of it. Each dollar donated is one pound of trash removed from the ocean. There top donation is 4 million dollars donated by Austin Russell the American entrepreneur. Team Seas is a trusted source for people who want to help the ocean. According to The Ocean Cleanup “The #TeamSeas fundraising campaign kicked off on October 29th, 2021, and reached the goal of 30 million pounds of trash removal funded by January 2nd, 2021.” But just because they reached their goal doesn’t mean you shouldn’t donate. There are still problems with our ocean. 

The Ocean Cleanup was founded by Boyan Slat in 2013. He designed the world's first ocean plastic cleanup system. Before he was the founder of The Ocean Cleanup, he studied Aerospace Engineering at TU Delft. According to The Ocean Cleanup “Boyan had just started studying Aerospace Engineering at TU Delft but continued working out his concept in parallel. After 6 months, he decided to quit his studies and founded The Ocean Cleanup, with just 300 euros of savings as a starting capital.” The Ocean Cleanups main idea is to Develop and Scale Technologies to Rid the Oceans of Plastic. According to The Ocean Cleanup the reason they're doing all of this is because “Every year, millions of tons of plastic enter the oceans, of which the majority spills out from rivers. A portion of this plastic travels to ocean garbage patches, getting caught in a vortex of circulating currents. If no action is taken, the plastic will increasingly impact our ecosystems, health, and economies.” 

The founders of Team Seas and The Ocean Cleanup have met before. Mark Rober visited Boyan Slat on one of his ocean cleanup machines. There two organizations did team up on October 29th, 2021. According to The Ocean Cleanup after Team Seas reached their goal of 30 million dollars “Half of the funds will go to The Ocean Cleanup, helping us deploy and operate Interceptors, collecting one pound of trash for every dollar donated.” 

In conclusion, there are things wrong with the ocean and there are people who want to stop it. They can’t without help though, donations help them save the ocean. The Ocean Cleanup and Team Seas are just two, there are many more organizations that want to save the ocean. Some have different ideas to save the ocean. Team Seas clean up the beaches, The Ocean Cleanup makes machines that collect the trash from the ocean itself.

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