Essay Sample on Success

📌Category: Philosophy, Success
📌Words: 423
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 21 July 2022

Some people think that success is the result of detailed planning, while others think that success is the result of taking risks. In my opinion, success in all areas of life definitely comes with detailed planning. As unplanned workings do not lead us to a definite result or the result which is obtained will not be long-lasting, we must always be planned and prepared. In order to be successful, there are some steps that we need to follow along with planned work.

Initially, the individual should know why he needs to do something. If the individual does not have a reason, he will not work efficiently enough. Therefore, the individual should determine the reason for working, organize his time in line with priorities, and eliminate his own worries and negative thoughts about work and success. And then he should concentrate his attention on the aim of work. Focusing attention on the aim of work means not being influenced by undesirable external factors. Therefore, it is necessary to choose a separate place and a suitable time to work.

Secondly, in order to be successful, it is necessary to know how to learn and not to make excuses. When you examine the lives of successful people, you will see this exactly. People who are successful in their academic, business and social life are those who have learned from all their past experiences, positive or negative. Instead of making excuses when the results of your work do not satisfy you or someone else, you should think about where you made a mistake or what you missed. To be able to do this, you must have a good plan. When you move forward by taking risks without making a plan, you do not know what life will throw at you and you may be frozen in the face of the situations you encounter.

Lastly, your interests and good opinions should be so valuable to be abandoned in any negative comment therefore you should not give up immediately without following your opinion. Moreover, you should be optimistic. Being optimistic is perhaps one of the most important traits to be successful. Adverse situations will always happen. Most people quit a job in a negative situation, even their sufficient capacity. Because they lose the daily belief that they will succeed. Hence, all these tools are harder than you might think, a good plan is essential to being successful.

We cannot proceed in a healthy way without planning. In this point Antoine de Saint said “A goal without a plan is just a wish.” To summarize, taking risks does not lead us to success, on the contrary, it causes us to experience failures. For that reason. if we plan and act rationally, success will always be with us.

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