Essay Sample about Squid Games Show

📌Category: Entertainment, Shows
📌Words: 464
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 03 July 2022

The show is a Korean series with brutal scenes. The show is not only full of eventful life or death games but a deeper plot behind it all. All players who join the game are struggling with money and could always use an extra little bit. In every episode, you can expect the unexpected and be left wondering what will happen next. The episodes consist of the contestant's playing games from their childhood, if they lose or are unsuccessful with the game they are killed. Each episode, leaving you on a cliffhanger, has you wanting to click that next episode button every time. Ever since the show came out, it has been a social media craze that keeps everyone waiting for the next season to come out. Aspects that make the show are the player's back rounds, eventful episodes, and cliffhangers.   

First, the show leads off with getting to know one of the main characters. As the show goes on you get to know more about some of the main players the show focuses on. Starting off with why most of the players are put into the game in the first place. All the players were chosen because they struggle with money or just have issues with money overall. Players were approached by a man offering them a cash prize if they won a childhood game against him. This is proving how they all have some time of gambling problem deep down. Looking into the main character's life he struggles with finding a job and caring for his very own child, due to his gambling problems. This player is not the only one struggling with this problem he is amongst many others. Other players are there for reasons such as tax fraud, stealing money from people, and not only mentioned they were all in debt.   

Secondly, a part of this show is the extremely eventful episodes. Getting into the beginning of the show, not even halfway through, you are introduced to the brutality behind it all. Within the first episode, more than 100 people are killed off the show. These episodes will have your stomach churning within minutes from the harsh killings that take place in front of everyone. There will be no time to brace yourself in between the episodes because it gets worse the more you watch. Each episode contains a game from when the players were children, if you happen to mess up the game, you are immediately killed. Thinking about how creepy the show is most people would want to click off but this particular show has you wanting to keep watching. The players were all asked if they wanted to leave the game halfway through and the majority vote was for the game to end. Soon after leaving, they were all asked to come back if they wanted town the cash prize. Even after watching hundreds of people die, most of them returned for the reason being they could win money.

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