Essay Example about Social Media

📌Category: Entertainment, Social Media
📌Words: 1187
📌Pages: 5
📌Published: 03 July 2022

Today, every form of entertainment has a known media presence. People’s days revolve around the networking platforms as a source of engagement; to find out the latest fashion trends, gossip, and to stay up to date with their friends’ lives. Now, many doors have opened in the career field as well, it has not only become a place of work but a place to share work. Social media is at the top of the list of day jobs with a growing impact on professional environments and rising opportunities, it has impacted the way people connect as well as earning an income. 

Over the years media networks have developed and become one of the biggest industries, it has been a connection to everything and caused many influencers to become big-name celebrities after starting on social media. In the past ten to fifteen years a few media sites started, the first platform being YouTube and Myspace. While Myspace eventually left the market YouTube grew to be one of the biggest platforms now being used by almost 2 billion people(Ortiz-Ospina, 2019). Social influencers first began on YouTube with ‘vlogging’, they shared their entire day for people to watch and comment. Privacy decreased as the use of apps increased. Now many have had the opportunity to increase their following on various networking bases, people share their day down to what they had for lunch, and everyone is hooked. By posting daily rather than one monthly video, viewers stay interested and frequently engage in influencers more often. As of now, TikTok is the most used app today, people have been able to become recognized names by sharing clips of their lives on the platform. For example, Charli D’Amelio is the most followed social influencer on TikTok growing to fame in a year and now reaching 40 million followers. (Sinha, A. 2020). She started on the video app and has expanded to brand deals and a clothing line. Other people had their start on TikTok and have expanded in their field as well. Many people have discovered new music artists, makeup gurus, and day-to-day influencers; names like Conan Gray and Abbey Roberts have become A-listers after sharing their music, and makeup art on the app. Conan Gray has now been nominated for various awards. Abbey Roberts has gotten the opportunity to work with other celebrities and walk the red carpet. Their fame occurred because they shared their videos on social media.

Although people have started their careers on social media, many have been working behind the scenes alongside influencers. Networking has become a vital part of working in the industry, social media posts have become the most common way of sharing products, fashion trends, and public entertainment. Many A-listers have hired others to manage all their social media accounts. The need for social media managers has risen since the growth of social networks, “The U.S. Department of Labor predicts that public relations [P.R] jobs will increase by 12% in the next 6 years”(Muckensturm, E. 2021). With the lack of personal lives for celebrities, it becomes difficult to always maintain a clean profile and that’s when the necessity for a manager occurs. P.R oversees maintaining their client’s image with their fans meaning that they share any new products that they are being sponsored by or created, and any new music, movies, or other jobs that they have been a part of. Aside from sharing products they make sure there is high exposure for networking events celebrities make appearances at and decrease the outbreak of their negative tabloids. In the industry has a strong media presence is crucial, meaning that having a good P.R director is the gateway to increasing their success. “A Social Media Manager must be skilled in marketing tactics and strategic communication to be successful” (Muckensturm, E. 2021). A-listers carefully choose experts to create an eye-catching image for themselves that will make them stand out among others in their field. The more genuine an artist is with their marketing the more exposure they receive, leading their fan base to grow quicker. The media has been the main source of engagement and has led to many job openings in various career paths including marketing, communications, and advertisement. With the hierarchy, there is between celebrities’ success, the demand for creative management grows every day. 

While many works on the Social Media platform, others work to develop it. Snapchat, Instagram, and TikTok have become a norm in society and are continuously updated and developed. With such an increase in app usage, the need for app developers and software engineers has multiplied and created more jobs. It’s important that the network’s software runs smoothly otherwise app crashes will become frequent causing users to get upset. Trends in the media are changing so often that people’s network usage has skyrocketed. The need to be a part of fads has created a sense of normalcy. The use of the internet is the biggest trend of all but it is one that will not be going anywhere anytime soon, people have become dependent on their devices and for that reason “These software professionals always need to remain aware of cutting-edge software development, so that they can offer updates” (Piskorski, M. J. 2021). Without an app working glitch-free people will struggle to share their work, find new items, or use it to engage with others. Social media is used by over 200 million people (Ortiz-Ospina, E. 2019) and with so many people on platforms, the number of engineers needs to increase dramatically. It has given opportunities for developers to create sites for content exposure, although it might seem like it is a place to share vacation pictures, everything from the hashtags used to the articles seen on someone’s feed come down to a science for developers. They must stay up to date with internet trends and what pages users are interacting with to figure out what to give higher exposure and place on people’s radars. The media has served as an outlet for improvements in technology and ways of connecting, this has pushed data engineers to find better software networks.

Public networks have opened doors for many to work in the industry, but it has also helped other businesses expand their consumer numbers. A lot of new and growing shops have shared their products on social platforms and have increased the number of customers they are able to bring in. Social media has brought in money not only for people working for the app company but for those using the app as well. Even when a company isn’t directly working with the media, they often use various platforms to share their merchandise and have collaborations with celebrities on social media. There is a connection to the media career field no matter how a company decides to advertise. When an app developer adds a new feature to an app, a business will use that to showcase their content; this can be used for TV commercials or smaller ads on apps. Having a strong marketing strategy can lead to getting an influencer’s attention and open business opportunities because they will then hear from the celebrities’ PR manager for collaboration. Social networks started as a place to scroll and find the newest celebrity couple but have expanded to be a place of creativity and stable income as well. 

To summarize, networking platforms have defined a whole generation of trends and kept people up to date with the news but over the years it has grown to be more. It has been a place where people can share their work with the public, design how people see others, or even improve technology. Social media has been the biggest innovation to occur and it’s only growing.

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