Admission Essay Sample: The University of Connecticut

📌Category: Education, Higher Education
📌Words: 562
📌Pages: 3
📌Published: 17 July 2022

Transferring is a complicated and time consuming process that also comes with a lot of pondering on why you want to transfer in the first place. Once you find the school that is the perfect fit, the process all seems worth it. For me, the University of Connecticut inspired me to transfer and go to the school that is the right fit for me.

One major reason I want to transfer to the University of Connecticut is to be around people that have the same drive and compassion to learn as I do. After my first semester at my current school, I realized the students did not contain the same amount of compassion as I did; being surrounded by students who do not have this drive can be unmotivating and exhausting. It made me feel like I was the only one working hard. By contacting students that attend the University of Connecticut, I recognized the students' diligent and resilient personalities. The students at the University of Connecticut are the people I want to surround myself with for the remainder of my college education.

Another factor that urges me to transfer to the University of Connecticut is their Irish dance team. Competitive Irish dance has been a part of my life for ten years and dancing on a college team would be a dream come true. Through tons of research again, I realized the University of Connecticut’s dance team was different from the rest. The members have a strong, unbreakable bond that can be challenging to find. Irish dance is something I do not want to give up throughout college and going to a school where they have a team would be the untainted answer. 

A third factor of why I want to transfer to the University of Connecticut is to simply gain more experience and live away from home. At the moment, I am a commuter, being a commuter can be challenging in many aspects such as traffic, missing out on student activities, and bad weather you have to drive in. The University of Connecticut is the desirable distance away from my home. It is far enough away that dorming would be necessary, but close enough for me to easily travel back home for the holidays without a long tedious drive. From watching videos, life at the University of Connecticut seems practically flawless and student life seems exciting. The atmosphere of the University of Connecticut is a definite reason why I want to transfer. 

An additional contributing factor why I would desire to transfer is the impeccable and extremely prestigious nursing program the University of Connecticut offers. For the past school year, I have been working toward becoming a registered nurse, but I did not feel fulfilled with the program I am currently in. By doing a great deal of research into UConn’s program it is definitely the right fit for me. One major factor of a school's nursing program for me is whether they have a simulation lab or not. Thankfully the University of Connecticut does have one, by having a simulation lab you gain immeasurably more experience then you would with a school without one. Another huge factor I look for in nursing programs is the quantity and opportunities for internships. The University of Connecticut has a plentiful amount of internships, which really caught my eye during the research process of transferring.

The University of Connecticut is truly the supreme school and has a large number of electrifying factors of why one would want to transfer there. The students, the dancing, the atmosphere, the nursing program are all factors that put the University of Connecticut above the rest.

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