Admission Essay Example: Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy

📌Category: Education, Higher Education
📌Words: 447
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 06 August 2022

Happiness cannot be defined as a destination but as part of the present moment and journey of fulfilling goals and dreams. As a pursuit of my own, I wish to use my ingenuity to solve problems and create innovations to aid people and communities around the world—  an act of giving that provides a joy to be cherished forever (as opposed to the temporary pleasure of taking). Education will help me achieve my dreams, but attending the Illinois Math and Science Academy will allow me to take advantage of the opportunities to develop my critical thinking and discover myself to the fullest extent.

Coupled with its complex curriculum, IMSA emphasizes both cooperative and self-guided learning. Under the former structure, students can completely understand concepts and form connections between their knowledge. Interweaving my dreams with these classes can help me link my interest in art and STEM to design and invent something new—  combining my creativity and curiosity to go beyond the standard, achieving my dreams of helping others. On the other hand, working in a group setting develops an open mind to various approaches and perspectives towards problems. Generating and evaluating solutions are skills used in class yet can be retained throughout my life to overcome challenges and attain goals. Exploring the new region of ideas and overcoming complications leads to the importance of each objective— guaranteeing the possession of knowledge, comprehensive skills, and analytical skills that transcend its completion.

Self-discovery opens the paths to various outcomes in life, revealing the limitless possibilities and potential a person has for their future. IMSA's environment is conducive to this adventurous mentality— with its residential system, passionate teachers, and devoted students. Through this, I can become more independent— gaining confidence in my abilities and persevering towards my goals. I hope to take part in the fine and performing arts classes at IMSA, such as Observational Drawing and Concert Band, to exercise my creativity and improve my skills. However, meeting new peers on campus and being inspired by their vigor and dedication towards their classes motivates me to try more courses to pursue my imagination or possibilities and find deeper meaning in new topics. By identifying what experiences best reflect my ambitions, can I preserve the novelty and determination towards my dreams and expand the horizons of my journey to success. 

Achieving my dreams is a way of expressing gratitude for the sacrifices, support, and encouragement made for me— allowing me to share and pass on this momentary joy to others and extend its life and influence. To make the most out of the opportunities given to me, learning at the academy helps me navigate the transition from general to specialized education with independence and exposure. In fulfilling my ambitions, the Illinois Math and Science Academy will be the map to guide the steps I take towards my future destination, helping me shape my existing reality into my desired reality.

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