The Narrator in The Tell-Tale Heart Essay Sample

đź“ŚCategory: Edgar Allan Poe, Literature, The Tell-Tale Heart, Writers
đź“ŚWords: 719
đź“ŚPages: 3
đź“ŚPublished: 17 July 2022

Edgar Allan Poe poe, the unnamed narrator plan to murder his neighbor and that eventually led to guilt, As his Insanity grew, he does not in fact know that he is mentally unstable and believes that he is very stable As it says in the text “ very deadly nervous I have been and am but why will you say that I am mad  heakren and Observe how healthy – cam lie I can tell you the whole story” (poe 37) . As The Story Goes On he gets prepared to murder his neighbor beacue of his evil eye.

It is without a doubt he was suffering from some sort of mental illness like schizophrenia That can be inferred by his delusions, his non emotional attachment. The narrator had to create an emotional distance between the old man's eye and the old man. But the love that the narrator has is not enough to keep the old man alive because his eye Haunts him. 

As the narrator's obsession grew for his neighbor because of his blue eye, as it states in the text “I think it was his eye, yes, it was one of his eyes representing a vulture – a pale blue eye with a film over it “ (poe 37). Once the Narrator  realizes It's Time to Kill the old man he  boasts “You should have seen how wisely I proceeded with what caution with what foresight with what dissimulation I went to work I was never kinder to the old man during the whole week before I killed him “ (poe 37 ). As time went on the new router grew more crazy and started to see his neighbor as prey, He would visit his neighbor while he sleeps each day for 8 days and would act like nothing's wrong and speak greatly of his neighbor, It wasn't the neighbor the narrator had a issue with it was his evil blue eye As it states in the text “ It was not the old man who vexed me, but his evil eye “(poe 37) . 

As the days go on the narrator observed the old man sleeping for a week he did not let his impulsivity get to him he had shown that he had self control, On the last day when the narrator was ready to take the old man's life he moved with caution when was very precise, When it was time to murder the old man the narrator thinks that he can dispose of the body and that there will be no evidence of the murdered old man, and so he hides the body underneath his  Floorboards in the house.  “Replace the boards so clever, so cunningly that no human I'm not even his could have detected anything wrong there was nothing,no stain of any kind, no blood spot whatsoever “ (poe 39). 

Finally The narrator thought that he could have gotten away with the murder of his old helpless neighbor, He was able to convince the policeman that nothing was wrong But as time went on his schizophrenia and paranoia eventually got to him, While the policeman were in the room with the dead old man underneath the floorboards, The narrator started to lose his self- The narrator was getting pale and wish the police officers gone. The narrator tries to control himself and “ he fancied a ringing in his ears'' (poe 40) . The narrator tried to cover up the noise by talking but no matter what he still heard the noise. As time goes on his paranoia starts to grow , And starts to think that the noise of the beating heart is coming from underneath the boards ,But it is all in the narrator's head adding to his schizophrenia / paranoia. The heartbeat continues to taunt the Narrator, he eventually loses it and confesses to the police about the murder Even though the police never heard the noise it was only in the narrator's head  “It grew louder and louder and the men chattered pleasantly and smiled it was possible they heard? almighty God no know they heard they suspected they knew “ . 

The conclusion to “tell tale heart” The narrator tries to justify the killing of the old man and is in denial about being mentally insane and he claims to love the old man which is completely false, The narrator cannot get over the guilt of killing the old man and dismembered, His paranoia and schizophrenia gets to him and confesses to what he has done to the old man To the police. 

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