Sustainable Neighborhoods: The Value of the Community (Essay Example)

📌Category: Ecology, Environment
📌Words: 372
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 21 July 2022

Imagine yourself in a town that looks somehow like a fairy tale: houses float from trees, children can roam free, neighborhoods are surrounded by nature, clean water is accessible for everyone, and in this town, all living arrangements with nature. The residents of this town work with nature and not against it, for their selfish desires. In return, they receive the benefits of being surrounded by nature. These types of towns are real and have a name, eco-community. Eco-community promotes positive values like ecology, solidarity, equality, tolerance, hospitality, respect, collaboration among people. I believe that for the sake of a more sustainable lifestyle, modern towns should be transformed into ecologically friendly neighborhoods.

To begin with, eco-communities help conserve the environment by reducing pollutants in the air, water, and land. Pollution prevention is a major global concern because of the harmful effects of pollution on a person's health and the environment. Environmental pollution comes in various forms, such as air pollution, water pollution, soil pollution. Being aware of the environment reduces the amount of pollution that can affect your skin, lungs, food, or anything that goes into your body. Every action or inaction of any person regarding her or his surroundings has an effect- be it good, neutral, or bad- on the environment. Nature already provides for our needs. For example, instead of using your cars, choose to walk or ride a bicycle whenever possible. With this eco-friendly practice, you will also be healthier and happier by staying fit. Use eco-friendly or biodegradable materials instead of plastic which are made up of highly toxic substances injurious to your health.

Eco-communities help to keep natural resources from being depleted. Poor environmental human behaviors and mismanagement are to blame for the depletion of natural resources. It has an impact on the health of our planet and all of its residents, including humans. The solution is to alter human behavior and modernize technology to make it more ecologically friendly. Instead of nonrenewable resources like fossil fuels, use renewable resources like wind and solar energy. Make use of resources that are less harmful to the environment. Reduce, reuse, and recycle to reduce the number of natural resources, particularly non-renewable resources, that we utilize.

In conclusion, modern cities, in my opinion, should be changed into environmentally friendly neighborhoods to promote a more sustainable lifestyle. Eco-communities are essential for long-term sustainability. It's past time to curb urban development and make our technology more environmentally friendly.

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