Rhetorical Analysis of Benjamin Franklin's Speech In The Convention Essay Sample

📌Category: Government, President of the United States, Speech
📌Words: 691
📌Pages: 3
📌Published: 29 July 2022

The American Revolution created the problem of not having a set in stone constitution, so the founding fathers held a constitutional convention in 1787. Benjamin Franklin was one of the most intelligent founding fathers in American History. With this in mind, it only makes sense that when forming a constitution He would want what is best for the people. To help persuade the  Delegates to accept the constitution Benjamin Franklin uses Ethos, Logos, and loaded language.

One way Frankin persuades his audience is Ethos. The Delegates observe this in his speech when Franklin says that he might be wrong about the constitution but has lived long enough to have wisdom about the new form of government. He proposes this by saying, “ I confess that I do not entirely approve of this constitution” then suggests he has sophisticated wisdom by claiming,” having lived long, I have experienced many instances of being obliged” (Franklin, 1). Stating that he may be mistaken about his views on the constitution and that he has lived long to recognize the pros and cons of this document, demonstrates a reliable source to trust for the acceptance of the constitution. Another example of Ethos is when Franklin says the people need to put their opinions aside and unanimously agree on this constitution. Ben Franklin expresses this by saying, “ We shall act heartily and unanimously in recommending this constitution”(Franklin, 3).  Franklin is not speaking selfishly on this decision but rather speaking on the betterment of the people, and becoming trustworthy to those being told to approve of the document. Considering that this document is an important decision among the people, it is potent that Franklin uses the rhetorical technique Ethos.

 Another persuasive technique Franklin uses is Logos. The first example of logos is when Franklin proposes the United States needs a central form of government. Benjamin Franklin remarks,” I think a general government is necessary for us” then he emphasizes that,” If well administrated and I believe farther, that this is likely to be well administered for years” (Franklin, 2). By suggesting a central form of government, Ben makes a logical connection that if the United States has a substantial foundation then the country will last long. The second example is Franklin stating that if the United States has a strong constitution, then it will portray America as a steady and independent country that will intimidate other countries. This is shown well when Franklin says, “I think it will astonish our enemies, who are waiting with confidence to hear that our consuls are confounded” ( Franklin, 2). Benjamin expresses logos by making a logical statement that our enemies will be intimidated knowing the united states is stronger with a stable government. When the document has this amount of potency, Franklin uses logical reasoning to persuade the people of the United States to approve of this Constitution. 

Finally, Franklin uses loaded language to influence the delegates to accept the constitution. For example stating that if we don't sign this constitution, the nation will need to be put under a totalitarian form of rule. Franklin clearly shows this by saying,” when the people shall become so corrupted as to need a despotic government, being incapable of any other”  (Franklin, 2). This illustrates loaded language because he uses the extreme word “corrupted” to emphasize what will come of the people if they do not approve of this document. Secondly, Benjamin shows loaded language by saying the constitution is made up of egocentric individuals. He portrays this by quoting,” I doubt, too, whether any other constitution we can obtain may be able to make a better constitution” then Franklin goes on to say,” you inevitably assemble with those men all their prejudices… and their selfish views” ( Franklin, 2). With this in mind, Benjamin expresses that even though this document was written by individuals with selfish views, without this constitution the united states would fall as a nation. Loaded Language is an applicable technique to use because it emphasizes the point that Franklin wants the people to agree on.

Franklin’s use of Ethos, Logos, and Loaded Language in his speech “Speech in the Convention” was successful in persuading the delegates to authorize the constitution. By giving a reliable source, himself, using valid examples of what is to come with this constitution, and intense dialect he persuades the people to accept this document. All things considered, Franklin's capability to coax with reason helped leave a lasting impact on what America is today.

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