The Letter from Birmingham Jail Essay Sample

📌Category: Historical Figures, History, Speech
📌Words: 387
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 23 July 2022

Martin Luther King Jr. is one of the most influential, intelligent, and inspirational leaders to ever grace the United States of America. Although this opinion may have been seen as controversial during his time due to racism and discrimination, he succeeded in putting an end to segregation. But this was no simple task. It took a lot of personal sacrifices, including being arrested in Birmingham, Alabama. During his time in jail, he received a letter from the Alabama Clergymen. To briefly summarize, these men told King to stop his efforts to generate political and social change. In response to this King wrote, “Letter from Birmingham Jail” to defend his stance in creating equality in the most peaceful way possible. He is able to use a peaceful, yet powerful tone to help evoke emotion and exemplify his goal and was effectively able to diffuse the aggression the clergymen presented. 

King is able to appeal to the Clergymen, although he is refuting their ideas, in order to form some sense of common ground. He is able to do this by reminding them of the similarities they share. In his letter, he states, “my fellow clergymen and Christian brothers”(King 10), to remind them they share equal titles and have other similar beliefs. In order for his efforts to be effective, he understood that it would take a nonviolent approach. He knew with violence only came more violence. His purpose was obviously to achieve a positive response from not only the clergymen, but everyone who the letter would come across.

While writing his letter, King was aware that his audience would not only be the clergymen, but the American public. Due to him being seen as a forefront for this revolution, all eyes were on him. He uses broad ideas such as religion and patriotism, to create commonalities between him and his audience. King establishes himself as someone who is devoted to his country by stating, “Anyone who lives inside the U.S. can never be considered an outsider anywhere within its bounds”(King 2). This statement highlights the concept that although African-Americans may be viewed as “outsiders”, ultimately they live in the United States and that makes them just as much a citizen as anybody else. 

Through his effective language and clever use of rhetoric, King was able to establish purpose while creating a relationship with his audience through similitude. His strong message evoked emotion and a hope for positive change. The letter serves as a tangible stepping stone on the prolonged path to freedom and equality.

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