Operation Geronimo Essay Example

📌Category: Historical Figures, History, Social Issues, Terrorism
📌Words: 640
📌Pages: 3
📌Published: 16 July 2022

It can be argued that taking the life of a leader in a terrorist organization can prevent or weaken the organization and save thousands of lives years to come. The actions of Osama Bin Laden (OBL) were known around the world and impacted the families of victims in terrorist attacks. On May 2, 2011 the United States and the world was provided relief and closure of the death of OBL. However, the actions of President Barack Obama during Operation Geronimo was illegal because of the unsanctioned operation between the United States operating on Pakistani soil, taking a life in an act of revenge for the actions of OBL and by not allowing Pakistani government to perform their due processes. 

Operation Geronimo was a sanctioned operation domestically, however the operations was an unsanctioned operation internationally. Article 2(4) of the United Nations (UN) charter generally states “All Members shall refrain in their international relations from the…use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of any state.” Furthermore, without the consent of the Pakistani government and the United Nations to conduct this operation violated the charter. Due to the United States being a party of the UN Charter and it being a multilateral treaty. President Barack Obama has an obligational duty not to violate or breach Article 2(4) of the UN Charter without the authorization of Congress. The Obama administration met the requirements to allow Operation Geronimo to be a sanctioned operation domestically. Operation Geronimo, to the United States, was a key moment in the fight of the World on Terror.  Nevertheless, the fact that the operation was unsanctioned internationally and performed on Pakistani soil without consent is a violation of international law.

The targeted killing of OBL carried out in Operation Geronimo can be construed as an assassination. How can you know the difference between targeted killing and an assassination? Professor Koh (2014) “Drone Strikes and Targeted Killings: Domestic and International Perspectives”, a professor at Yale Law School, generally explained “targeted killing is international killing by a government or its agents of a combatant who is not in custody, either out of self-defense or…a combatant in an armed conflict.” Professor Koh (2014) also states “Assassination is murder for religious, ideological, political or emotional gain, and is prohibited by an Executive Order signed by President Ronald Regan.” By understanding the difference between the two it is clear what Operation Geronimo was intended for. As mentioned previously OBL is known for many terrorist attacks around the world, but he is mostly known for the attack on American soil. Almost ten years after the attack on the Pentagon and the twin towers, World Trade Center, on September 11th 2001 the Obama administration had an opportunity to retaliate and take revenge for his actions. As Professor Koh (2014) defined targeted killings and assassinations, the Obama administration used emotional and ideological gain to assassinate the most wanted man in the world.

 If Pakistan or any other country were to perform a military operation on United States Soil without permission what would the reaction be? President Barack Obama’s actions to not allow Pakistani government to implement its due processes is a violation of the country’s sovereignty. This violation has had an impact on the Pakistani population and the views of the Pakistan government. South Asian Studies 26 (2) “Operation Geronimo: Assassination of Osama Bin Ladin and its implications on the US-Pakistan relations, War on Terror, Pakistan and Al-Qaeda”, stated “The government is viewed as being too compliant to American policies and not being able to stand up to foreign pressure”. Moreover, the actions of President Barack Obama has degraded the US-Pakistan relations leaving the Pakistan government concerned with any future incidents. 

The Obama administration violated the United Nation Charter by conducting an unsanctioned operation on Pakistani soil breaking an international law. Undermining and violating a countries right to due process effected the relations and created a poor image to the already weak Pakistani government. Assassinating a leader of a terrorist organization who was unarmed in a non-combative area to take revenge is morally and ethically wrong. President Barack Obama and his administration performed an illegal act during Operation Geronimo, by being judge, jury and executioner.

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