Should Police Officers Wear Body Cameras Essay Example

📌Category: Government, Law enforcement
📌Words: 473
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 20 April 2021

Police officers should be required to wear body cameras because police officers cannot properly handle mental health crises, it will improve how the public perceives law enforcement, and It can help solve cases. The text states “For years, groups including the New York Lawyers for the Public Interest have pushed for mental health professionals or crisis workers, rather than police officers, to be the first ones responding to nonviolent people in emotional or mental health crises”. (Can Body Cameras Improve Policing?) This evidence shows how police officers should be required to wear body cameras because police officers cannot properly handle mental health crises. Some groups are pushing for mental health workers to respond to nonviolent mental health crises. Instead, an officer and a mental health professional can go together. The team can work to not only de-escalate the situation but also provide a behavioral health screening. After recent events of officers killing people during mental health crises, we know a change has to be made. Body-camera footage can make it easier for the police to see that for themselves. Law enforcement needs to use the body-camera footage and learn from them to help do so. The text also states “Nearly 200 years later, Peel’s principle still holds true: The ability of law enforcement to fight crime effectively continues to depend on the public’s perception of the legitimacy of the actions of officers”. (Body-Worn Cameras: What the Evidence Tells Us) This evidence shows how police officers should be required to wear body cameras because it will improve how the public perceives law enforcement. Law enforcement needs public approval to fight crime. Police body-worn cameras are meant to increase accountability and trust among the public. By seeing this the public can better see the police is deserving of trust. The public is currently viewing the police negatively seeing how the police use lethal use of force. Body cameras can have an impact on reducing officer use of force, complaints, etc. This helps with increased public confidence in local and national policing. The text states “Video footage provides investigators objective details of incidents”. (Body Cameras Help Everyone — Including the Police) This evidence shows police officers should be required to wear body cameras because they can help solve cases. Body-cameras can be helpful in showing unbiased facts. Body-cameras are also critical to recording and documenting the truth of officer-community encounters. They can offer proof that officers are acting appropriately within the law. They are also playing a key role in defending officers from false accusations. While sometimes body-cams have identified when officers are not. Video captured by body-worn cameras may help confirm the facts of encounters and result in a quicker resolution. It allows for them to be cleared from their ranks and improve policing efforts.

The use of body-worn cameras offers opportunities to advance policing and create a sense of honesty from the police. Overall police officers should be required to wear body cameras because it can help solve cases, it will improve how the public perceives law enforcement, and police officers cannot properly handle mental health crises.

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