Rhetorical Analysis of George W Bush Speech on 9/11 Essay Example

📌Category: Government, President of the United States, Speech
📌Words: 604
📌Pages: 3
📌Published: 02 July 2022

The morning of September 11 2001 already felt odd enough for president George W. Bush. Instead of a normal day in his office, he visited an elementary school to talk with some of the students. Everything felt normal, and the world was sitting in peace. However, Bush was entirely unaware of what would occur next. In a blink of his eye, a devastating moment in history formed as an event that will never be forgotten. We watched it fall, as on this day president George Walker Bush delivered a speech against this monstrosity that changed US life forever. On September 11th 2001, President George W. Bush delivered a speech to provide a sense of hope, security, and share moments of grief about 9/11 for the American citizens. This day was changed by hijackers who crashed two planes into the World Trade Center, one into the Pentagon, and the final in Pennsylvania. These attacks killed nearly 3000, and were thought to have destroyed the nation. However while Bush delivered his 9/11 Address to the Nation speech, he strikes a tone of seriousness, yet hopeful. He proposed that the terrorists plan had failed, and that our country would appear on top. After his emotionally moving speech, George W. Bush's presidency was preached and cherished by citizens who had not felt this way before. Bush's speech following the attacks, proved to the American citizens that the US is strong, and we will not show fear. Even at this devastating time, the president gave off the feeling of comfort and eased our fears for our country. America knew what we had gotten into, but we knew we had a president to defend us in any event. George W. Bush used many rhetorical devices such as logos, pathos, and anaphora to help Americans feel the presence of hope, and pride to overcome this attack. 

George W. Bush used pathos in his speech for example, emotions and loaded words to bring a sense of pride, and hope for security of our country. As the whole country was shaken, and tears were streaming down faces, Americans needed reassurance to insist we will continue our fight. Yet as people have lost belief in our country, and that our lives were under attack, citizens believed there was no change left to fix this. However, by using pathos in this quote, Bush was able to alter this idea, ¨The victims were in airplanes or in their offices: secretaries, business men and women, military and federal workers, moms and dads, friends and neighbors,¨ (Bush). In this quote President Bush was trying to create the feeling of sorrow, by mentioning how all of the victims were innocent loved ones grieved by family, instead of just a worker. By Bush creating this feeling, this made people feel sympathy and made them want to not back down for our lost citizens. The president continued to use pathos and his tone of hope to give Americans a reason to believe. This is not the only quote in Bush's speech that implemented pathos to bring emotion to the audience. ¨These acts shattered steel, but they cannot dent the steel of American resolve. America was targeted for attack because we're the brightest beacon for freedom and opportunity in the world. And no one will keep that light from shining,¨ (Bush). President Bush uses this emotional voice, filled with a justice-seeking tone to pull out the determination in the US. By using this quote and his justice-seeking tone, Bush brings the emotion to the crowd to have the confidence to defend our country. Within this quote Bush also uses metaphors as a way to grab the audience emotionally. For example, ¨but they cannot dent the steel of American resolve,¨ (Bush). In this metaphor, it's comparing how America is strong and made up of something unbreakable. As citizens listen to these wise words by Bush, it makes them feel like this as well.

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