Positive Effects of Humans on the Ecosystem

📌Category: Environment
📌Words: 262
📌Pages: 1
📌Published: 15 April 2021

As humans we often have positive impacts on our ecosystems, some that we may not even be aware of. Recycling is an activity that we have the opportunity to do daily. By recycling we are reusing products and preserving natural raw materials which greatly influence our environment. When the need for raw natural resources is reduced the need for mining, logging, and quarrying are also reduced. This helps preserve our forest ecosystems from having to face deforestation. 

Marine ecosystems are also affected by recycling, litter and trash from landfills often end up in our oceans polluting the water and putting wildlife at risk. For example, animals may think that litter in the water is food, this causes them to choke. Other animals can get entangled within litter preventing them from having the ability to swim or float. The more we recycle the more we also reduce this risk. Decrease of greenhouse gases, pollution in both the water, and air are also positive effects recycling has to offer to our ecosystems. 

Wildlife preserves are locations that humans have put together that are under law to help protect plants, animals, and the environment. The animals are able to be in their natural habitat without fear of being harmed. Endangered species benefit greatly from wild preserves because it limits the factors that have a role in causing them to become extinct.These preserves have been created in many types of ecosystems throughout the world. An example is Yellowstone National Park, which is open for people to enjoy the nature surrounding it. The park protects the natural beauty and is working to build up the bison population. The yellowstone ecosystem includes bodies of freshwater lakes, wild animals, as well as vegetation.

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