Persuasive Essay Sample: Global Warming Is Not a Hoax

📌Category: Climate Change, Environment, Global Warming
📌Words: 1164
📌Pages: 5
📌Published: 03 July 2022

As Gandhi once said, the earth provides enough to satisfy every man’s needs but not every man’s greed. As man moves to the future, its problems and its greed will eventually catch up to them. One of these problems is global warming, but people in the past have stated global warming is not real but a hoax made up by environmental scientists. But global warming is not a hoax and, consequently, a real problem that can negatively affect future generations of humanity if left unchecked. Imagine a world you can’t even breathe in oxygen without a device and those generations of humanity will now have to live in it along with landmasses that were once rich in plant life are now 10 feet underwater. This is a world no one will live in and will happen if global warming continues to be just a hoax in the human mind. So, global warming is not a hoax due to faculty evidence that greenhouse gases are heating the earth, greenhouse and carbon emissions being made by humanity is increasing, and that deforestation is one of the leading causes of global warming.

First, there is factual evidence that proves global warming is not a hoax but real. But people refute that there is no known cause of global warming and that scientists can’t agree on what’s causing it. But in fact, there is an actual cause for global warming and that is greenhouse gases and more particularly carbon dioxide. According to Environmental Protection Agency, “Gases that trap heat in the atmosphere are called greenhouse gases.” This proves that greenhouse gases trap heat in themselves as it lingers in the air or in the atmosphere and thus becoming one of the prime causes of global warming. This even further proves that scientists do agree on what causes global warming and that is carbon dioxide and greenhouse gases. Moreover, the Agency further comments that “Each of these gases can remain in the atmosphere for different amounts of time, ranging from a few years to a thousand years.” This states that these gases can stay in our atmosphere for thousands of years, which can affect the future of humanity as these gases continue to heat our atmosphere. These gases are here to stay, so imagine this if these gases continue to exist and continue to trap heat. Are people going to continue to think global warming is a hoax as the air around them starts to heat up rapidly as more and more are being pumped into our atmosphere and the surrounding air? Nonetheless, where do these gases and carbon dioxide keep coming from and why is so much of these gases plague our atmosphere? The leading cause of carbon and gas emissions increasing is humanity.  

Second, the majority of carbon emissions and greenhouse gas emissions are being produced by humanity. Picture this: if you’re eating cereal and it’s made by human workers or factories and you eat it constantly, it’s going to give you stomach problems. Now, imagine the cereal as carbon dioxide and it is made by the same people, and having this being produced constantly in the air isn’t going to be good overall and be a lot worse than a stomach ache. Eventually, having so many of these gas emissions and carbon is going to affect the world around us and it’s going to impact our lives. According to Each Country's Share of CO2 Emissions, China’s carbon emissions in 2020 were 28%, US 15%, a 21% of the rest of the world in the pie chart. So, as to why humanity produces so much of these gases is because these gases come from factories that produce electricity like coal factories. For example, the reason China is so high up on the pie chart is that they have built many coal factories or fossil fuel factories to help power their cities. Consequently, their cities are now constantly covered in a carbon fog, and their citizens have to buy air purifiers for their homes due to the amass carbon and greenhouse gases in their air. They even have to wear masks as they leave their homes due to these carbon fogs because they can’t breathe any oxygen in them. Do you want to live in an environment that could kill you because it helps power your home? In addition, “rapid reductions in carbon emissions are very costly. For numerous reasons” (Urpelainen). This says humanity can’t transfer how it produces its power without being costly. Furthermore, as the population increases the more power or electricity is needed to be produced and more of these factories need to be made to meet demand. However, other people have said these gases come more from natural causes, like volcanos. But in fact, “human activities emit 60 or more times the carbon dioxide that volcanoes do in a typical year” (Herring and Lindsey). Therefore, humanity produces more gases and carbon and which causes global warming and as humanity does more and more of its activities, this will continue in the days to come. One of these activities that contribute to global warming than the factories is deforestation. 

Third, another leading cause of global warming is deforestation, and this is one of the human activities that contribute to global warming. As to why deforestation happens, an article called Tropical Deforestation and Global Warming states that “Forests are cleared to make way for any of a long list of agricultural products and other human activities.” As a result, clearing these forests means more farmland and food to grow and to sell to the markets across the world. In this case, man’s greed can get the better of themselves and they have to meet the demand of crops needed to satisfy their consumers and earn more money. The more money they earn the more encouragement they get out of this to produce more and then the need for more farmland. Despite this, how does deforestation add to global warming? The article notes that “ When forests are cut down, much of that stored carbon is released into the atmosphere again as CO2.” Therefore, the more forests humanity cuts down the stored carbon inside will be released back up into our atmosphere and continue to stay there for years progressively storing heat and in which turn furthers the ever-growing problem of global warming. Along with that, some farmers even burn down the forests to clear for more farmland, which can even lead to more carbon being made because of the fires. These three points state that global warming is not a hoax but a real-life environmental hazard in our future.

In conclusion, global warming is not a hoax because there is supportive evidence that suggests greenhouse and carbon emissions are heating the earth, humanity is producing these gases at an increasingly rapid pace, and that deforestation is one but many human activities contributing to global warming. So, as for the people who believe that global warming is a hoax. Look around you and see how your power and products are being made from along with the elements that help make it. As well as think about the future if we as a society progressively produce more of these gases is it a good thing to do and may not have consequences? Many factors can cause people to believe global warming is a hoax and that can come from religion, not believing the science, etc. But Remember this having too much of everything can lead to problems and sometimes those problems are irresistible. 

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