Persuasive Essay Example on Bananas Are Not Worth the Cost

📌Category: Food
📌Words: 349
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 06 August 2022

Did you know that 1.4 million bananas are thrown away daily because they are not visually appealing? There are more than 1,000 varieties of them in the world. But surprisingly bananas do not grow in the United States. With Ecuador being the largest banana producer. Even though when a banana is sold it makes people money and businesses get customers, bananas are not worth the cost because children as young as 8 get abused at work daily and it hurts and pollutes the environment. 

There are more chemicals used to produce bananas than any other fruit. Usually, when there are chemicals released into the environment things can get destroyed. There are chemicals called Ethylene gas that is used to ripen the bananas but it pollutes the environment. Heavy pesticides can cause rivers to get ruined or the air to get very polluted.

The workers that cut the bananas get way underpaid making only 0.40 per day which is under the worker’s minimum wage.  Usually, people who put in the most work make a larger amount of money than the people that didn’t do as much work but for banana workers, it is the exact opposite.  Banana farmers across the tropics are feeling the effects of the climate crisis: extreme weather changes, unpredictable rainfall,  and the spread of pests and diseases to new regions. some 8-year-olds work in banana plantations in hazardous conditions and they get abused by their boss or other workers. 

Some might think that bananas are worth the cost because it feeds America and it is a cheap option that most people can afford costing only 64 cents per pound. But most of those people are uneducated and don’t know what it takes just to get one banana on the table people go through abuse and our environment suffers every day just to bring bananas to the store. 

Bananas are not worth the cost because children are abused at work daily, it also pollutes the environment and the work condition that some people have to deal with are unreal. Conclusion strategy of your choice: I'm not saying that we should not grow bananas but we need a better strategy to grow them like not using chemicals and not hurting children to do work. 

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