Nothing’s Quicker Ad Analysis Essay

📌Category: Business, Marketing
📌Words: 754
📌Pages: 3
📌Published: 01 September 2021

Imagine that you are the guardian or caretaker of a family of four, your two oldest are running late for the school bus and your youngest is creating mayhem in the kitchen, you are running around trying to get everyone out the door and clean up after the two Tasmanian devils in the kitchen. Suddenly you step in something wet, sticky, and unknown; you sigh while looking for something to clean it up and see an ad “Nothing’s Quicker”. Creating ads that are simple, easy, and noticeable are important skills for any business especially when your targeted audience is constantly on the move and does not have time to sit and read a long ad for something that they might not need. Being able to interpret and analyze any advertisement whether it be an image, or a video helps with communication, symbolism connections, and symbolism recognition. Keeping the following statement in mind I believe that the Ajax ad uses symbolism and an easy message to connect with the caretakers and guardians of todays society to convince them that this product would improve their daily lives.

Communication has been important for everything a human does; not only do they need communication to survive but for sales reasons in businesses. From early days humans have had ways to communicate such as scrolls, hieroglyphics, and stories. The Ajax ad uses a picture to get its message across just like a hieroglyphic. The message can be seen as a fast and efficient clean up method and is shown by part of a mess being cleaned before it hits the ground. Using this type of communication can lead to some being confused of its message and can be misinterpreted. This miscommunication can cause many problems in society, teachings, and even in personal and professional relationships. Having a message be misinterpreted can cause a business to lose sales which is why it is always important to make your message clear and easy to interpret for your intended peers. Ajax made it easy to see what product they are advertising and that their message is simply put out there for their intentional audience. 

How the ad decided to show their product and message is best described as a connection of symbolism. Symbolism connections are the easiest to use to reach a broader spectrum of audiences due to it being easy to understand when there is not a common language. The brand that is being represented by the ad above is a cleaning ad that symbolizes itself by choosing pictures and colors to represent itself very carefully to help get its message across. The brain reacts to and recognizes colors and symbols in different ways, so many companies must choose brands carefully to help convey to the target audience that their products are what consumers need. A common way a distributor tries to be memorable is to be catchy, whether that be a funny ad in a magazine or a catchy tune on the television or radio. Many people complain about getting an ad stuck in their head but that is how the distributer or business wants their message to be, when a product remains memorable you are more likely to purchase it. Another way that products are advertised is by using common colors with popular products or a favorable icon. The ad above uses red, white, and blue not only does this tie in with a favorable icon such as the American flag, but they are bright and noticeable.

This ad has used many methods to reach its audience of guardians or caretakers. It used bright colors to stick out in the crowd, used symbolic recognition to be related to favorable items, and used a quick and effective message to be interpreted by consumers. Using images has been around since the beginning of time with hieroglyphics of old and new. Ajax got their message to the targeted audience of guardians and caretakers by clearly showing that they have a quick and effective way of cleaning a mess up.  The image that they have chosen to show interprets this as a falling cup of liquid with a part of it already cleaned up before it hits the ground. Using this strategy reaches all regions of their intended audience and gets around language barriers effectively which helps create a consumer pool. They use bright colors to attract the eye of the consumer when they are passing and are easy to remember by their short and to-the-point motto.

In conclusion, Ajax has successfully created an ad that is easy and effective. With their ad, they can reach their intended audience and be a product that sticks in their heads and stays on their grocery list. They used symbolism to create a message that gets across quickly, and they also used a phrase that was easy to remember and got their message across clearly to their audience.

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