Inventions of Nikola Tesla Essay Example

📌Category: Science, Scientist
📌Words: 413
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 05 August 2022

Nikola Tesla is a Serbian-American inventor and engineer who discovered many innovations in the production, transmission and application of electric power. While he has many inventions credited to his name, he is best known for inventing the very first alternating current motor as well as developing an AC generation and transmission. He was born in Smiljan, Croatia in 1852. Tesla went on to study math and physics at the Technical University of Graz and Philosophy at the University of Prague. While on a walk one day, Tesla randomly came up with an idea for a brushless AC motor. With this new idea he went to Paris where he worked under Continental Edison Company. Tesla then immigrated to the United States where he worked for years under Thomas Edison presenting him with many successful innovations; unfortunately, Edison never gave him the proper financial compensation for this work. 

Nikola Tesla made many contributions, he constantly thought of and came up with new ideas for inventions until the day of his death. His various contributions to the field of engineering, including but not limited to his developments of AC Power using an alternating current,  and the Tesla Turbine. Tesla is best known for his alternating current for AC Power, which he developed while working at Thomas Edison’s company with the promise of $50,000 which he never received. This invention revolutionized the American power grid system to be used widely since this technology even has applications in radio and television transmission. Tesla also developed a piston engine to power automobiles using combustion to rotate disks. This invention became more fuel-efficient than what was currently being used for turbines, because by moving fluid in the path of least resistance. This invention has been used as a waste pump in factories and mills where turbine pumps normally get blocked. 

Nikola Tesla practically devoted his entire life to creating and innovating technology, Hydroelectric Power, Induction Motor, and Neon Lamps are some of Tesla’s inventions that are still widely being used in society today. Nikola Tesla created the hydroelectric power generated when commissioned by Niagara Falls, this invention utilized his alternating power technology, and went on to provide power to many people across the world. Another widely used invention of Nikola Tesla is his Induction Motor which utilizes electromagnets to spin, which is currently used in many household items such as vacuums, hairdryers and power tools. The Neon Lamp was an invention that had already been in existence but Tesla improved upon it to be able to form words and designs. Neon signs using this technology he updated still exist prominently today, commonly used to light up bars, casinos, hotels, and other signs along the highway.

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