Essay Sample on Benefits of Technology

📌Category: Science, Technology
📌Words: 482
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 08 August 2022

Throughout history, technology has proven to be helpful, but it can have several drawbacks. It has helped to advance our society by making factories more efficient, streamlining communication, and improving many other things. Although with the advancement of technology there has been an occurring argument regarding the increasing reliance on information from technology resulting in much less brain use. Also there has been a dramatic rise in mental health issues stemming from social media influence? While some might think these problems are relatively uncommon in today’s society, they are becoming more and more prevalent among young kids. This begs the question: is technology making us dumber?

The scariest outcome of young people with immature and partially developed brains using technology, mainly social media, is the heightened risk of suicide(Article 4). This doesn’t mean all kids who use the internet are at risk of killing themselves. Although there are a few vulnerable individuals who often experience jealousy over others’ “perfect social media life.” Because of this, some people think emotionally and irrationally and either injure themselves or commit suicide. Another recurring issue found with heavy technology use is an increase in memory problems. (Article 4) This makes sense considering the laziness and decrease in brain use because of the conveniences of technology rather than working and digging to find the desired information.

An additional debate regarding the illusion of knowledge(Article 5) discusses how one’s ability to answer questions has increased after searching for explanations, although, as a result, they often have an enlarged ego. This leads them to pontificate, and act knowledgeable when in reality they are using information that any internet user could write. While the internet obviously has useful and factual information, it’s also known to have a lot of misinformation and fake news. This relates to Article 7, which addresses how technology has affected our social interactions. In the article, they wrote about a study done involving a group of people who volunteered to sit in solitude for 15 minutes without a phone, or instead opt to receive mild electric shocks for 15 minutes. Shockingly, over a quarter of the volunteers opted to get shocked. While this is a surprise, it’s understandable considering the shock is stimulating much like the telephone. Finally, technology and mainly cell phones have caused people to be far less present. They brought this to light in Article 8 when they conducted a study regarding how many people used their cellphones while in a social setting. The result was that nearly 90% of people used their cell phone to do something, whether it was to use an app, call someone, or send a message. They all result in the individual being less present and waste what could have been an eventful memory with their friends.

To conclude, the rise in technology has had many benefits from making communication more efficient and creating innovative inventions that improve our economy. Although it also has it’s drawbacks from increasing kids risk for suicide, causing people to use misinformation, and people being less present. As a result technology is both good and bad, but should be monitored and used in a healthy and productive manner.

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