Essay about Cryptozoology

📌Category: Science, Zoology
📌Words: 748
📌Pages: 3
📌Published: 18 May 2021

There are many tales of paranormal creatures waiting to be revealed with the understanding from humans. The El Chupacabra, Loch Ness monster, and Bigfoot are all example of these types of paranormal creatures. Tales of these creatures turn out to be real and are accepted or refuse to give away their hidden secrets. The animal’s cryptozoologists study are creatures known as cryptids. These unknown animals are all part of the category which include cryptids like the El Chupacabra, the Loch ness monster, and Bigfoot.

​First, the paranormal creature, the El Chupacabra. The El Chupacabra is known as the goat sucker. The El Chupacabra or the goat sucker was first reported in Puerto Rico, in 1955. It is known as the goat sucker because of this report. According to the article, “Paranormal Monsters,” farmers began to find their animals dead in the field, with puncture wounds in their necks and drained of all their blood. People saw a creature with large eyes, sharp claws, fangs, and spikes down the middle of its back. This beast tortured Puerto Rico and then spread to other countries and one of them was in Texas. As stated by the article, “Paranormal Monsters,” in 2008 police officers in Texas filmed the beast running down a dirt road. In America, this creature looks like a 4-legged creature or a deranged dog. Some have suspected seeing one, but others say it is just a diseased coyote. Cryptozoologists study this paranormal animal to find and see if it is real. They want to know where it came from and what it is.

​Second, the aquatic beast, known as the Loch Ness monster. The Loch Ness monster is a mythical creature that lives in a large freshwater lake in Scotland, known as the Loch Ness. The first sighting of this cryptid was during 565 A.D. According to the article, “The Monster in Loch Ness,” St. Columbia was on his way to visit the king of the northern Picts near Inverness when he stopped at Loch Ness to confront a beast that had been killing people in the lake. When Columbia had seen the beast trying to attack a man, he commanded the creature to “to go back with all speed”, and it never came back and hurt anyone. After the disappearance of the Loch Ness, the sightings of this creature returned during the year of 1933. As stated in the article, “The Monster in Loch Ness,” several British newspapers sent reporters to Scotland, including London’s Daily Mail, which hired big-game hunter Marmaduke Wetherell to capture the beast. Marmaduke found footprints and later a new headline, “MONSTER OF LOCH NESS IS NOT LEGEND BUT A FACT,” was put in the Daily Mail. As a result of this, many people went on boats and tried looking for this creature, but it was never seen again. Although it was never seen again, still many cryptozoologists are still looking for it, to discover and explore what this creature is.

​Finally, the Bigfoot, also known as the Sasquatch, Yeti, or Wild Booger. This creature is one of the most beloved myths in North America. According to the article, “Still Searching for Bigfoot,” scientists continue to argue over whether the Sasquatch is real, comparing numerous sightings with a lack of physical evidence and pointing to the number of hoaxes perpetrated around the legend. These cryptozoologists are suspecting when they are going to see its remains. They wonder if Bigfoot lives for a very long time naturally or if he is coming through dimensions. David Bakara was a bigfoot researcher that was with Big Foot Field Organizations. As stated by the article, “Still Searching for Bigfoot,” He left BFRO to open Expedition: Bigfoot with his wife, Malinda, in early 2016, in the North Georgia Mountains outside of Blue Ridge. He found many stories and facts while in the mountains. Some facts he found were that Bigfoots diet is like a black bears diet, which means it eats 10,000 calories a day. Another fact is that best place to see Bigfoot is along the coast, especially the Pacific Northwest coast and will be very rare to find in the desert or flatlands. Cryptozoologists are still searching and learning about the Bigfoot.

In conclusion, Cryptozoologist’s study paranormal creatures, which include the El Chupacabra, the Loch Ness monster, and the Bigfoot. The El Chupacabra, the Loch Ness monster, and the bigfoot are all cryptids because they are unknown animals or paranormal creatures. The El Chupacabra is a cryptid because it is not known to be real or not and it is a creature because of its description of what it looks like. The Loch Ness monster is a cryptid because it is a mythical animal, unknown to be stated whether true or not. The Bigfoot is also a cryptid because there is no proof or sightings proving it real or fake.

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