Essay Sample on Benefits of Genetic Editing

📌Category: Genetics, Science
📌Words: 530
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 24 July 2022

Genetic editing has been a highly debated topic. The world is split into two groups. The first group believes that genetic editing is a good thing. The second group believes that genetic editing is a bad thing. There are many different points of view on the topic. Is it ok to bend or even break the laws of nature in order to help people? Do we really know what the long-term effects will be? Is it ethical to modify the human genome? These are just some of the questions that are being debated. However, one argument that is being made in favor of genetic editing is that it could be a great way to help people.

There are many benefits to genetic editing. An article on StudySync called "Designer Genes" states that genetic editing could prevent life-threatening genetic disorders from developing in children. This could lead to healthier, fuller lives. The scientists researching the technique are confident that this technique, to make changes in mtDNA, is safe and effective. Genetic editing has the potential to improve our lives in many ways. It was only a matter of time before genetic editing was discovered, and now that it has, people are starting to realize the benefits. Genetic editing is a powerful technology that can be used for good. Therefore, genetic editing could be very beneficial.

Furthermore, genetic editing can lead to parents and children living a happy life. The article “Proposed Treatment To Fix Genetic Diseases Raises Ethical Issues” shows this clearly. Lori Martin’s son was born with Leigh’s syndrome and the progressive illness was linked to genetic problems in his mitochondria. “The experience of being told that your son is basically going to die and you don’t know when or how, but - it’s obviously life-changing and it completely wrecks your world,” Martin says. However, with genetic editing, they can fix things like this which can lead to parents and children living fuller and happier lives.

Others who don’t support genetic editing may argue that genetic editing will lead to designer babies. However, in the article “Genetic Editing: Breakthrough or Bad Medicine?” by NewCurrents Read to Know, Dr. Mitalipov says that his technique should not be called genetic editing at all and instead it is repairing mutant genes, or accidental changes, that can cause sickness and even death. Dr. Mitalipov’s technique is a much more precise version of gene therapy where you don’t change the entire gene, but instead, you repair the gene to stop diseases or change a harmful gene into a beneficial one. Genetic editing has been used to treat genetic diseases, not improve a person’s looks or athletic abilities. Designer babies may be possible, but they are not what genetic editing is currently used for. Once the technique is approved, parents could choose to use it to prevent sickness in their children or to enhance certain abilities. This could potentially lead to designer babies. Genetic editing is a complicated topic with many arguments for and against it. I can see how some people could get very passionate about this issue, especially when it comes to designer babies.

This shows that genetic editing is not just a distant possibility, but a very real possibility in the near future. Genetic editing will continue to improve the human species and will save lives. It is important that we continue to allow scientists to conduct research on genetically edited organisms to learn more about their potential risks and benefits.

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