High and Low Aiming Essay Example

📌Category: Goals, Life
📌Words: 446
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 08 August 2022

According to Michelangelo’s perspective on how setting our aim too low is what leads to a “greater danger” within ourselves, he conveys a point that allows us to compare and reflect on it in our own lives. From my experiences and observations, I agree with Michelangelo. The reason why is because meeting low standards doesn’t necessarily benefit you in the real world and setting high expectations for yourself and trying to achieve a specific criterion may fail; however, you can learn from those mistakes which allows you to better yourself and be well-equipped for the real world. 

To begin with, aiming too low and meeting our goals is both a good thing and a bad thing. First, you need to access your skill level before you focus on what you’re trying to accomplish. Now, everyone is different and they all learn and improve at a different pace. It isn’t a good idea to increase the difficulty of what you’re learning and add more to the “workload”. Instead, you should set the “bar” at a level you think you can handle. In general, aim high but to an extent. If you wish to aim high but can’t handle it at that level, set a goal that isn’t too low but can benefit you in the process. An article that I found online talks about the idea of ‘“aiming to low” and “becoming incapable of reaching our goals.” This means that setting low standards for yourself won’t allow you to accomplish anything in life.

Furthermore, aiming high and experiencing failure throughout is how you learn the value of hard work and morals. When it comes to meeting high standards, you can experience the true satisfaction of accomplishment and the process of getting there, and what that means. The process of how you got there plays a significant role in your life because it allows you to evaluate yourself and understand what you’re truly capable of. For example, it took you forever but you finally did it and got a passing SAT score of 1590 and you’re eligible for getting accepted into top tier universities because of your hard work and determination. Though it was a tedious process, all that studying paid off. You’re now disciplined and well equipped and you keep aiming to the top because you know you can do it. This means that factors like motivation and determination can drive anyone to aim high 

In conclusion, aiming low isn’t a good idea. I believe everyone’s greatest weakness in life is setting low expectations and “achieving our mark.” Setting the bar too low won’t help you and it can lead to disappointment and regret. Life is all about taking risks and aiming high so you can benefit yourself and learn from your own mistakes. Without hard work, motivation, and determination, achieving goals that are low in moral standards will mean nothing in the end.

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