Essay Sample about Bananas

📌Category: Food
📌Words: 515
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 09 August 2022

Imagine being 10 years old, missing school, and having to work on a banana plantation for long hours. People don’t know much about bananas besides that they are yellow and a fruit. So here is some more information. Bananas are liked by millions of people around the world and there are over 1000 different types of bananas. Bananas are grown all over the world in tropical climates and are a cheap common crop. Lots of pesticides and chemicals are used to make bananas look perfect, but aren’t always the best. While bananas are cheap and healthy, bananas are not worth the cost because people can get really sick from breathing and touching different chemicals, only a certain amount of money reaches plantations, and plants and animals can die from the hundreds of agrochemicals that are put on bananas. The banana is a very demanding species that pollutes the  water, land, and air.  Many fruits don’t commonly cause so many problems with ecosystems or the environment. Heavy pesticides cause lots of problems with the environment. Around 400 agrochemicals are used to make the bananas look perfect, but they are super harmful to the environment. This can kill other plants and insects and be super toxic to animals like fish, birds, and other animals. To make sure that bananas aren’t wiped out we keep adding more and more chemicals. It is estimated that there is around 30 kilograms of chemicals added per hectare every year. One of the biggest problems is that these heavy pesticides can cause sterility, cancer, and even death.

Bananas are cheap for a reason. They are because people who work in poorer countries and developing countries work long hours and get less than the minimum wage. Most people who work certain hours get paid the full minimum wage. Children in certain countries are forced to work at these banana plantations for 12-14 hours with hazardous conditions and no job security starting at the age of around 8-11. Adults and kids breathe and are exposed to chemicals and pesticides that they shouldn’t be around.

Only 20% of the prices paid by consumers reach the countries that export them normally.  Exporting countries would get paid more than just 20% of what consumers pay. Ecuador is the world’s largest banana exporter, and the source of roughly one-quarter of all of the bananas in the U.S. If there are not getting paid a lot it causes complications.  

Many people think that bananas are economically important because they are cheap and healthy but when produced or brought to other countries to eat, people don’t know what producing the bananas costs. It is clear that bananas are not worth the cost. The bananas hurt the environment, are not good economically, and cause problems for humans.

Even though they are cheap and healthy, they are not worth the cost because only a certain amount of money reaches the plantations, people can get really sick from breathing and touching different chemicals,  and plants and animals can die from the hundreds of agrochemicals that are put on bananas.

In conclusion, bananas are cheap and healthy crops bananas are not worth the cost because bananas harm humans,  the economy, and the environment. Although bananas aren’t worth the cost right the banana industry might change it for the better of the world.

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