Essay Sample about Apple iPhone: Influencing Industries Since Its Release

📌Category: Business, Corporation, Science, Technology
📌Words: 708
📌Pages: 3
📌Published: 03 July 2022

Before 2007, the industry of cell phones was different. Nokia, Samsung, and Blackberry were the only phones available, without the proper features that people needed to replace their computers. 2007 was revolutionizing, as it was the original release of the Apple iPhone, which had features that no other phone had. "The iPhone gave you great internet browsing, data features and many options for video photographers, as they used the incredible camera quality, quantity, and capability" ("Apple iPhone"). From the beginning of Apple to current day, the most impactful product was the Iphone that revolutionized the phone industry, because it changed the way humans interacted with the phone. Before, phones were just solely used for the reason of calling, but due to important inventions such as touchscreen phones, we can use it for various purposes. Other cell phone companies did not have this feature and used the basic features. Marc Smiler, a civila and author who was directly influenced with this said, "However, the web browser is slow and very expensive", ("Apple iPhone"), which is what many were thinking about previous cell phones, as their quality was low. Apple provided these basics, on top of the additional features for significantly less money, as the author mentions him saving 40 dollars per month (" Apple iPhone "), showing the significance of this iPhone. This was my parent's first phone, which changed their thinking about phones and we have been buying Apple phones since then, as it gave features that other phones never had. The initial creation of a cell phone was important itself, but the iPhone let people reach another dimension. The Apple iPhone included more storage, so people could store many more pictures and data than other phones. Though it wasn't a lot compared to today's world, it was a new experiment that was successful then. Due to its successful price and innovative features, over 1.4 million iPhones were sold over 5 months of release just in the U.S.A ("Steve Jobs debuts the iPhone "), showing the craze for the phone. The Iphone's features have been expanded into many phones today, displaying how they changed the electronics and cell phone industries. My dad originally received the iPhone 8GB, which was much more advanced than any other phone due to its high-class features which he still owns, and talks about the features today, because it changed the phone industry not only in the U.S.A but other countries as well. The Apple iPhone has reformed the electronics industry, [WHAT] because of its astonishing features that changed how humans interacted with their cell phones. [WHY]. Before iPhones, the available cell phones were flip phones, that would need a keypad to enter what you would like, but Apple introduced a feature wiping out flip phones, as Apple designed a small compact mini-computer that would use a touchscreen feature ("Apple iPhone"). "Phones with a split keyboard and screen were the norm. The huge success and usability of the iPhone's full-size touch screen changed the industry in a matter of months" ("How Apple's iPhone has changed the mobile industry"). Flip phones were considered as the rule for a phone, and what we considered the only phone for a long time, and a lot of companies were looking for a move when apple produced their product; Immediately, flip phone usage had tremendous decreases and touchscreen phones have been there ever since in technology, which just goes how Apple Iphone's advanced features have shaped the world today. If this isn't a big enough technological advancement, the Apple iPhone was released with many other important features that were unseen and new at the time (MICROORGANIZATION STRATEGY: LESS IMPORTANT TO MORE IMPORTANT). "As for quantity, the iPhone comes in 4GB and 8GB versions and….. I can fit many more complete weddings than someone who delivers a two-hour-long movie-length feature"("Apple iPhone Review"). If delivering a touchscreen cell phone was not enough, the Apple-Iphone had more cameras than an average movie camera did. Storing up to 10 different weddings on a single camera, plus many more into 8GB was stunning at the time. Flip phones could not possess this unlimited power, and since the release of the Apple iPhone, every other mobile service provider, and the mobile company has started to upgrade storage plans to store more memories like weddings, which just goes to show the influence the Apple iPhone has had. Whether you are seeing it or not, the world and technology are evolving every day, but they always come from a small starting point that changes everything that follows, and for the mobile industry, the starting point was Apple's iPhone.

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