Essay on Essential Characteristics for Professional

📌Category: Career, Life, Work
📌Words: 473
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 31 May 2021

The characteristic of professionalism can be broken down into six categories in regards to both civilian and military professions. These categories are as follows: specialized knowledge, competency, honesty and integrity, accountability, self-regulation, and appearance. Each of these is vitally important to the military profession.

Specialized knowledge and competency are not mutually exclusive. However, they do rely upon one another for effective performance. The skills and knowledge required to accomplish job-specific tasks are known as specialized knowledge. A professional must take it upon themselves to further research their field of work and complete training, which will further their understanding and capabilities. Competency is a measure of how well a person knows their specific job, and how efficiently they fulfill roles inherent in that job.  By expanding their specialized knowledge, an expert will increase their competency, while vice versa, increasing competence will improve professional knowledge.

At all times, a professional must maintain a certain level of transparency. This transparency is accomplished by adhering to a moral compass and exhibiting the qualities of honesty and integrity. These qualities are paramount to preserving honor for yourself as well as your area of expertise. One quality which is closely linked to honesty and integrity is that of accountability. Professionals hold themselves accountable for their thoughts, words, and actions, especially when they've made a mistake. The psychologist Mark Goulston has been attributed the following quote; “Know what's important and what isn't. Have the wisdom to know the right thing to do, the integrity to do it, the character to stand up to those who don't, and the courage to stop those who won't.”

As with many matters in life and the military, perception is nine-tenths of reality. The ability to keep calm under pressure and remain aware of your setting is paramount to one's ability to present an outward appearance of professionalism. This practice is known as self-regulation. It is accomplished by remaining constantly aware of which phrases and what kind of body language a person uses. In addition, the types of behavior a Soldier partakes in, and their appearance will affect this perception. Since the first perception most people have about another is based on appearance, an argument can be made that appearance is the most critical attribute of professionalism. Appearance encompasses many aspects including attire, grooming, and physical presence. In the Army, we ensure that our uniforms fit and are maintained in accordance with AR and DA-PAM 670-1. We ensure that our body fat is kept low, our nails and hair are trimmed, and that we are physically fit enough to pass a physical fitness test at any time. This aspect of professionalism is crucial in the Army. Civilians in America have a particular view of military personnel. The continued support of the American people relies very heavily upon the perception that all Soldiers, Marines, Sailors, and Airmen are experts and professionals.

In conclusion, professionalism is not only how we carry ourselves, but also how others perceive us. The latter is particularly vital in the military. Every aspect of professionalism is essential to success both in military careers and on the civilian side.

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