Cultural Identity Essay Sample

📌Category: Culture, Identity, Sociology
📌Words: 737
📌Pages: 3
📌Published: 03 July 2022

Culture is a form of identity; furthermore, cultural identity is defined as a part of one's identity that is made up of self-perception as well as conception. Canada is known as a diverse country as it is the home of many immigrants as well as enharities a wide range of cultures. Important components contributing to cultural identity include culture, religion, and freedom. Culture is the primary component of culture identity as it is the overall culture in which a person identifies with. Primarily, social and economical benefits are substantially influenced by culture as it incorporates the studies of human behaviour and their interactions with their environment. A culture will impact the beliefs and values of a culture while effecting the way this group thinks upon the world; therefore, determining how much attention one cares about the environment, accessing what it is that the vicinity requires. Secondarily, language and traditions encourage communication. Loved ones communicate using language and traditions to hold their family together. An example is Christian families celebrating Christmas by attending mass, having a feast, or handing out gifts. Additionally, culture is able to form a foundation of families and society. Heritage is found to bring families together as it allows for social intercourse. There is an infinite number of families who obtain historical stories from their ancestors which explore aspects of evolution and what it was that contributed to their cultural identity. The Indigenous Culture is a great example of this family dynamic as traditions and LaPlante 2 stories are passed down by ancestors which is classified as oral orientated. Socioeconomics, sources of communication, and family evolution within culture help one define their cultural identity; moreover, it allows them to take part of their heritage as well as become more knowledgeable about it. Religion actively demonstrates cultural identity as it intertwines with the concept of culture. Religion alters the way humans see the world by giving them a sense of purpose, ethical values along with having relations to community. Initially, religious beliefs provide people with a sense of purpose. In times of the unfortunate, many grieve and feel hopeless; therefore, it is the hope that a faith provides in which contributes to a citizens well being. Another example is a person's view of the afterlife and their choice to believe in it. Some people believe in the spiritual realm and some believe in rebirth. Moreover, religious worship creates ethical structure. Places of worship have a tremendous effect on its members as they influence decision making. The religious ceremony of Confirmation is a great example of moral resolution evaluating. The ritual consists of giving candidates the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit so that they may use it in the real world. Among other things, religious places reach out to the community allowing their members to be more involved and as well as share their ethical values with society. Plenty of religious places have groups that are active in public where they act within their communities to create a common good. An excellent example of an influential group is St. Anthony’s Best Youth on Hill located in Thunder Bay. The church gives its youth the opportunity to volunteer their time to places such as less fortunate schools and old folks homes. Religion is exceedingly important to one's cultural identity as it molds how someone thinks and acts upon their surroundings. In conclusion, cultural Freedom motivates the idea of cultural identity. It protects and fully supports this notion; furthermore, cultural identity remains as a right allowing those to LaPlante 3 explore cultures and alter between religions. Fundamentally, political power is prohibited from being stripped away from a society's cultural freedom. The Canadian Multiculturalism Act protects the rights and freedoms of its citizens' culture and beliefs. It is meant to fight against discrimination and this shines a light on the importance cultural idenity because it reconginizes the importance of preserving multicultural heritage in Canada. Furthermore, a person has the opportunity to explore cultures or change religions. Since Canada is multicultural, Canadian citizens are able to explore different cultures as well as have the freedom to change religions. A great example is Thunder Bay’s Folklore Festival where different parts of the world stand at a booth and share traditions, beliefs and history. Ultimately, citizens are able to be multicultural in order to break down community barriers. Learning about other cultures and identities empowers a decrease in racial discrimination. A reduced prejudice mind stimulates citizens to see beliefs and values from different perspectives making those of different cultures feel comfortable with their identity. To sum up everything that has been stated so far, culture, religion and freedom all contribute to the subject matter of cultural identity. Cultural identity is important in light of the fact that it concerns one’s well being, individuality as well as sense of community.

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