Group Projects Are Unhelpful Essay Example

📌Category: Interpersonal relationship, Life, Sociology, Work
📌Words: 319
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 09 August 2022

Group projects aren’t that great I know because I have experienced it. Before I had to work in a group for a project and no one person did anything but me. They were friends and continuously kept talking. It was highly frustrating. So have teachers ever thought to see how students feel? Group projects are not beneficial because they don’t help people be independent, it can be difficult to work with others, and they are often distracting.

One way that group projects are not beneficial is it doesn’t help people be independent. For one, people aren't even working by themselves. Secondly, everyone in that group has to use each other's opinions. Since the project is working with different people, not just their thoughts matter. And they have to rely on others to get their work done.

Another reason is it can be difficult to work with others. Group partners can be assigned. Someone may have with their enemy. It would most likely be difficult to work with an enemy. They could be rude and not agree or even not try just to be mean. Or be assigned to someone who has a totally different personality. One person would want to do the project on elephants, but the other person may think that's gross, and want to do it on cheetahs because they are fast. They may never come to an understanding.

I know some may say working with friends would make it easier, however it can be distracting. Working with friends can be distracting because you can go off topic. When with friends there are just so many things to talk about, and not a lot of them are about the project. When with friends they can play around. Like they are doing a project on google slides and they end up playing around by putting funny photos or deleting slides and they never get it done.

Group projects are unhelpful for the reason that it doesn't help to be self- reliant, it can be difficult to work with others, and they are often distracting.

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