Classification Essay Example: Types of Lies

📌Category: Philosophy
📌Words: 560
📌Pages: 3
📌Published: 03 August 2022

In this essay I will discuss why there are many types of lies, such as but not only including, white lies, Bold-Faced Lies, broken promises, and plagiarism.

The first type of lie I will talk about is the white lie, a white lie is “a harmless or trivial lie, especially one told to avoid hurting someone's feelings.” Typically most people will use a white lie to not hurt peoples feelings. Times when you could use this is like when you telling someone if someone likes them, or if someone is in the hospital and they are really sick, then the doctor might tell them that they have a while left to live, and that they can leave the hospital even though they probably aren’t going to last. On average we are lied to 10-200 times a day! In that period of time we are also lying to ourselves 2-3 times. White lies are lies that are told to save other peoples feeling, but on the other end of the spectrum we have Bold-Faced Lies.

A Bold-Faced Lie is a lie that is blatantly obvious that it is a lie, or a lie that they don’t try to cover up at all. Examples of Bold-Faced Lies include, “Claiming voter fraud in the “millions” when clearly that is not the case”, and “Claiming that murder rates are at an historic high when they are at the lowest”. I would not recommend using bold faced lies on a daily basis, as people tent to know when you are lying, if you are going to lie, you might as well use a white lie. Now Bold-Faced lies might seem bad, but the worst type of lies in my opinion is broken promises.

Broken Promises are lies that can get pretty dangerous, if someone breaks a promise such as marriage after high school, then the partner may feel very sad and end up hurting themselves. Another type of a broken promise could be if someone were to say that they could get a dog, but then they break the promise by getting a cat. Broken promises are terrible for the mental health if it gets bad enough, although most broken promises will go unnoticed by most, there are some broken promises that can effect people for the rest of their life. Some examples of broken promises in history, such as Woodrow Wilson when he wont the election with the slogan “He kept us out of war.” Only to enter World War 1 only a year later. And one more examples is George H. W. Bush who promised slogan was “Read my lips: No new taxes” And then raised the taxes during his first and only term. And the final type of lie I will go over is Plagiarism.

Plagiarism is when someone tries to steal the work of someone else without giving them credit, such as if I were to steal someone else’s Owl Creek Essay, and treat it as if it were mine. Some examples of plagiarism in history are the case of Melania Trump who basically stole Michelle Obama’s speech in 2008, Another example is Martin Luther King Jr’s speech “I have a dream” which had parts of it that were plagiarized, Although his doctorate was not revoked, And a third and final example is The case of George Harrison, who plagiarized his hit song “My Sweet Lord, who stole this song and showed many similarities to Chiffons 1963 hit “he’s so fine”, Although Harrison was sued he got out of it by saying that he had subconsciously took in some elements of the song.

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