Reflection Essay Example on Competition

📌Category: Philosophy
📌Words: 664
📌Pages: 3
📌Published: 09 August 2022

Competition is the value of humanity that has driven all of our progress. Think of it as a race without competition. There is no progress, without the feeling that we have to be competitive, there is no advancement. When the United States and Russia were involved in the space race, it was the competitive nature of Russia that drove the United States to be able to land on the moon which, is seen as humanity's most significant achievement. Having people land on another celestial body is something that no one would have never imagined in their wildest fantasies. Competition creates a need for progress and pushes one beyond their limits to incredible heights due to the opposition from other parties.

Competition creates a need for progress because of the fulfillment obtaining growth will give. Take "I Love Lucy" for example; Lucy had a competitive drive unlike any other which pushed her to become the first women to perform in a lead role in any tv show or movie up to that point. The progress that she had made for the tv and movie industry could not be understated. Not only were there no women in leadership roles before this, but there were also hardly any women at all. When Lucy was a young actor, they told her she would never get a lead role in a movie or tv show because of her gender. She didn't take kindly to this, and her competitive nature drove her to prove them wrong. She eventually went to get a contract with a large tv channel to run her show. "I Love Lucy."Her show came to be loved by over 60 million Americans in its heyday. It was her competitive nature that enabled her to prove the naysayers wrong and lead to great success and progress in the tv and movie industry.

Competition pushes one beyond their limits to unimaginable heights because the competition from outside parties pushes one to strive for success. One's limits are only defined by what they think they can achieve. We require competition from other parties to drive us beyond our limits and lead to great success. The American Revolution is an excellent example of this. The thirteen colonies were happy with England until England turned around after a long war with France and started taxing the colonies to pay for their war debts. This, in itself, was a huge issue. The problem, however, was that the colonies were, getting taxed without any representation. This was only built upon by numerous acts passed by the British Parliament, essentially making it impossible to make a living in the colonies anymore because of how expensive these acts had made it. The colonies were, fed up and tension built until it reached a tipping point. We declared independence from England with the Declaration of Independence in 1773. The declaration was followed by an 8-year long war in which England had trouble coordinating its forces at the start of the war. This caused a butterfly effect to the point where England was unable to win the war and lost at the famous Battle of Yorktown in 1781. This was followed by a treaty a couple of years later. A treaty that George Washington himself saw over. After all of this was said and done, it had led to the creation of the United States of America. It was the competition from England that pushed the colonies to unimaginable heights to stand up to England and ultimately succeed in their war with England to create a new country.

Competition drives one beyond their limits to unimaginable heights due to competition from other parties and creates a need for progress. It is the competitive people in life that take risks in the name of progress and success, ultimately leading them to live fulfilling and complete lives that can only be brought along by competition from others. We need people like this in our society, whether we like them or hate them. It doesn't matter because, in the end, these are the people we will remember years down the road. The competition from others is beneficial for us and will push us to great success. In other words, success comes from a combination of competition and commitment. So go ahead, embrace your competitive nature.

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