Casablanca Movie Analysis Essay Example

đź“ŚCategory: Entertainment, Movies
đź“ŚWords: 544
đź“ŚPages: 2
đź“ŚPublished: 01 August 2022

The critically acclaimed film Casablanca has impacted generations of film watchers with its powerful story. The film, directed by Michael Curtiz, is set in Casablanca, Morocco during World War II. Casablanca is filled with wealthy individuals hoping to obtain a letter of transit that will allow them to flee German rule and go to the United States. Rick Blaine (Humphrey Bogart) runs an exclusive cafe, hosting various individuals from wealthy bank owners to officers in the Third Reich. Rick has spent his time in Casablanca remaining neutral on current political issues. When someone from Rick’s past enters his cafe, his neutral position on the war is challenged. Ilsa Lund (Ingrid Bergman) and Victor Laszlo (Paul Henreid) enter Casablanca in search of letters of transit. Laszlo is infamous across Europe for his resistance against Nazi rule. Ilsa and Rick’s shared history interferes with Laszlo’s plans for exiting Europe and makes Rick question his famous phrase, “I stick my neck out for nobody.” Casablanca’s authentic portrayal of WWII conflicts and its classic love story creates a wonderful storyline appealing for all generations.

The historical context of Casablanca contributes to the film’s popularity among generations of audiences. The film highlights the hostility that the world was facing during WWII. Rick represents the United States’ indecisiveness about joining the war effort. Just as the United States was trying to avoid interfering in European affairs, Rick was trying to avoid picking sides in the war. He welcomed people from opposing factions of the war to enjoy his cafe. The film demonstrates the difficulty of remaining neutral in conflicts that impact people’s lives. When the impact of the war begins to affect his life, Rick realizes that he has a responsibility to fight for the cause he believes in.

The cinematography adds to the authenticity of the WWII environment. For example, the watchlight that is noticeable in the background shows a world that is under a curfew due to the war. The watchlight creates the realistic image of a city under military rule. The film’s representation of the struggles people underwent to obtain letters of transit emphasizes the sense of urgency throughout the film. These struggles depicted the sense of fear among people eager to leave for the United States. These letters of transit were an individual’s ticket out, but obtaining them required certain privileges or wealth. Furthermore, the film showed life under rule of the Vichy government which was influenced by the Germans. The German Gestapo had arrested Victor and imprisoned him in a concentration camp. These references to real world issues give the film a greater significance overall.

The chemistry between Bogart and Bergman made the film more captivating. Casablanca had all the elements of a classic cheesy romance, but it went above and beyond to add depth to the story. The mystery behind their first meeting created a dramatic environment for the first time Ilsa enters Rick’s cafe. As their story unfolds, we see the love both of them had for each other. The film does not simply show a love triangle between Ilsa, Victor, and Rick, but instead shows sacrifice and compassion.

Casablanca is a remarkable movie for its time and remains relevant for today’s audiences. The plot had interesting twists, and the small details that contributed to each scene increased the effect that the film had on audiences. I rate the film a 4.5 out of 5. The film contains important themes about responsibility and sacrifice while still having a great historical significance, making it a film that should continue to be viewed by future generations.

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