Anchor: Caf' On Wheels Commercial Analysis Essay Example

đź“ŚCategory: Advertising, Business, Marketing
đź“ŚWords: 1007
đź“ŚPages: 4
đź“ŚPublished: 04 August 2022

In Anchor’s “Caf’ on Wheels” commercial the company uses the appeal of affiliation to convince consumers that they need their product (butter) to put a smile on their faces. The appeal of affiliation makes consumers feel left out if they do not buy a certain product. Advertisers use techniques and appeals to convince consumers to buy their product. One of the techniques used by advertisers is the technique of neuromarketing. Neuromarketing attracts consumers by finding what the consumer truly desires and makes products and commercials to bring consumers send to buy a product. Companies use their appeals and techniques to bring forward more customers and generate more revenue.  

Advertising in the U.S. began in 1704 when the first ad was released to the public. This later leads to ads being used with appeal around the mid 18th century. Ben Franklin would use appeals to explain how and why it can be important to consumers' lives. A major shift in ad production and techniques was in the 20th century. Ads in the 1900s became more informative and complex. The time length for ads became shorter as time passed in the 1900s. This leads us to today as have shift from informative to entertainment. The internet has taken over in marketing, and now it is easier than ever to attract consumers to a product through social media.  

Appeals is a technique that is used to attract consumers to their product by supplying emotional needs through commercials. Jim Fowles, a researcher, and writer, who received a Ph.D. at New York University, in his essay, “Advertising Fifteen Basic Appeals,” writes: “Advertisers over the years have blindly felt their way around the underside of American psyche, and by trial and error have discovered the softest points of entrée, the places where their message has the greatest likelihood of getting by consumers defenses.” (3) Jim Fowles discusses advertisers using appeals to get past consumer defenses and drives them to buy their products. Prominence is an appeal used to target consumers emotionally by making them want prestige, and the need to be respected with high social status. An example of this would be a person who has a luxurious watch that makes them feel a sense of prestige and high social status because of having a luxurious product. Appeals are more useful than ever at attracting customers online as neuromarketing continues to evolve and grow. 

The appeal of affiliation is used by Anchor to make people interested in their product. It involves the use of aiming at people’s emotions and relationships to draw attention to products. Companies advertise the product as something people need rather than want and if people do not buy the product, it will make people feel left out or lose friends. These appeals are mostly used because its target varies widely. It can target people in relationships and mess with their emotions to buy a product. In the thesis of this essay, a company called Anchor is discussing using the appeal of affiliation in their commercial to show the audience that having their product will make people happier or brighten up people’s day. They want people to buy their product, so they will not be left out.  

The company of Anchor has been around since the 19th century. It all started in 1886 when a man named Henry Reynolds decided to open his first butter factory in Waikato, New Zealand. As the Anchor company continued to grow in the 20th century, they would expand across all New Zealand and then unto various countries. Throughout the 1920s it was a huge year for the company of Anchor. According to the Anchor’s website, “Up to 90% of New Zealand’s dairy exports go to the UK, where Anchor is the best-selling butter.” After the tremendous success with Anchor’s butter, they decided to expand their product line in the 1950s. In the 1950s Anchor expanded their product line to cheese in addition to their butter. Anchor’s butter continued to expand rapidly across the world, and they continued to add more products to their company. Anchor’s milk and cream were taking the market by storm in 1982. This led us to the present where Anchor continues to grow and expand their products to people across the world.  

The commercial about Anchor’s butter used the appeal of affiliation to convince consumers to buy their product. In the commercial Anchor uses its product (butter) to show how having the product can supply happiness and joy. The company uses this mechanism to target the emotions of consumers and make them feel left out or make them buy the product, so they can experience joy like the people in the commercial. This shows how appeals can be beneficial to companies as they can lure consumers by aiming for their weaknesses like emotions and use that to their advantage. As time progresses companies will continue to develop new appeals and techniques to bring consumers to their products. 

Anchor’s “Caf on wheels” commercial convinces consumers to buy their product because it helps them by improving their mood and making them happier on any given day. The appeal of affiliation is used by advertisers to target consumers negatively most of the time. By doing this it would help the company by drawing more consumers to buy a product they advertise for. This appeal is one of the most effective because it targets emotions, loneliness, and friends and family. It can reach such a wide audience, which is why it is one of the most used appeals by various companies. 

It is great to analyze how companies use these tactics of techniques and appeals to alter consumers' minds influencing them to buy products. By learning these techniques and appeals, consumers will now have a better understanding of these tactics used by companies, and then they can watch out for companies trying to convince them to buy a certain product. Showing these techniques are beneficial to consumers, so they will not fall for the same traps again and can choose to buy a product based on their decisions, not the advertisers. Consumers have been tricked by neuromarketing for hundreds of years and now is a wonderful time to realize what companies have been doing in commercials and advertising. People have been looking at commercials just for entertainment, but that is also a tactic to lure people into becoming more interested in a product. Realizing these problems now as consumers will only improve the situation of how we react to advertising now and in the future.

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