Analyzing Odysseus As An Epic Hero

📌Category: Homer, Literature, Odyssey, Poems
📌Words: 484
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 01 May 2021

Is Odysseus really an epic hero? Odysseus is an epic hero, he possesses the traits and the abilities to be the ultimate epic hero. He is courageous, shows large amounts of intelligence, and displays a large sum of heroic moments that shows loyalty and with supernatural back-up. Being courageous is a vital part of being an epic hero, it shows confidence that he could take down anything that comes his way. Odysseus has intelligence and is very smart in what he does throughout his complex, difficult situations. He also has superhuman strength and has god-like qualities.

Courageous is one of the greatest qualities of an epic hero and it is shown in Odysseus' life  throughout the entire story.  The definition of courageous is, “not deterred by danger or pain; brave”. In one instance in the epic, Odysseues shows the true definition of being courageous. He blinded the cyclops, a terrifying creature that eats humans whenever they can. He ultimately saved his crew from certain death. Another moment was when he was told by the Circe, before returning home, he must travel to Hades and speak to the blind prophet Tiresias. He encounters many different spirits there, such as his mother Anticlea. Initially, he rejects her since he is waiting for the prophet to approach. It took courage to wake the spirits of the underworld by making his own blood sacrifice. Furthermore, he possessed a ton of courage throughout his journey home. 

To be an Epic hero, you have to have the intelligence of a supernatural being. Odysseus certainly possessed intelligence as seen throughout the entire poem. When he and his men were looking for food and drinks, they came to a cyclops cave without knowing. Eventually the cyclops, whose name was Polyphemus, returned to the cave. Odysseus then thought of a clever idea to escape the cyclops’ lair.  Odysseus and his men got the Cyclops drunk. Then they sharpen a large stake and blind him. They then tie themselves under his sheep, so that they can escape even though he's feeling the animals as they leave the cave, to make sure no humans are there. He has god-like intelligence and clever ideas on how to escape the most difficult situations that any god and mortal has ever faced.

The last reason to prove that he is an epic hero is that he shows and displays the true meaning of a hero in his homecity, and that is known throughout the nation. The ability that makes him an epic hero is that he gets supernatural back-up and that he deceives and defeats supernatural beings, such as the cyclops. The main supernatural aid is Athena, who always intervenes in Odysseus's journey. Other big supernatural aid include Zeus and Poseidon, and Hermes helping him cross the threshold. 

In conclusion, Odysseus is an Epic hero because he shows courage, has god-like intelligence, displays loyalty and with supernatural back-up. Stories in the epic poem explains why he is an Epic hero. With the story of facing the cyclops, he outsmarted a supernatural being. He also had the courage to make his long journey and left his wife behind.

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