Essay on Social Class in Great Expectations by Charles Dickens

📌Category: Books, Literature
📌Words: 525
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 04 June 2021

The Victorian Era was a period of strict moral codes and distinct class separation.  Proper behavior and morality was considered the hallmark of “good breeding” - meaning wealth and privilege.  In his novel Great Expectations, Charles Dickens challenges the idea that social status is associated with being a good person. In Charles Dickens Great Expectations he explores the  divide in social class. While being in a higher social class may be worth it, even if it means stepping on others in the process. Social class changes a person's behavior because after Pip is introduced to Mrs. Havism, he begins to pick up mannerisms of the upper class and pip slowly loses touch of the mannerisms of the lower social class.

Pip starts off as a warm-hearted boy from the village but will soon become the opposite of warm-hearted. Through Pip viewers are able to see how important being in a higher social class meant to those of a lower social class. During the beginning of the movie Pip repeatedly tries to prove himself worthy to be in the presence of Mrs. Havisham. When Pip is first introduced to Mrs. Havisham and her daughter Estella, the two immediately start correcting Pip of his behavior. Social class affected the way that Mrs. Havisham saw pip and she was constantly correcting his grammar and behavior when he was around her. When Pip sees the difference between classes he starts to clean himself up. He practices his grammar, washes his nails, gets decent-looking clothes, does his hair, and practices table manners at home. At home, Pip’s family was always worried about the fortune that Mrs. Havishsm was going to give it to Pip. So much so that when Pip was going to go to London his Uncle told him to remember who helped him get that deal. 

Mrs. Havisham wanted nothing more than to shape Pip into a practice dummy for her daughter but in the process she ended up making Pip cold-hearted. The more Mrs. Havishm kept Pip around and created a well mannered man but it also created a more deceitful version of Pip. The change in Pip’s behavior can be seen when he begins to snap at those around him. With Pip and Mrs. Havism Dickens shows viewers both social classes and the effect a social class can have on morality. As Pip moved up in  social class he began to lose sight of what was truly wrong and right. Pip began not only forgetting to write back to his family but snapping on those who were helping him. An example of Pip forgetting where he came from after being moved up a class is when Abel magwitch, who used to be Pip’s friend, gave him the money that he was promised before coming to London but instead of thanking him Pip goes into flames and tells him to keep his money. 

From Pip’s story viewers can learn that sometimes staying true to yourself can be better than trying to spice things up and be perceived as a person with a rich exterior but poor personality. Although social class may seem important, it is truly your  heart that matters. Through Pip and Mrs. Havisham viewers see that being rich does not necessarily mean that the heart is rich when being carried by a person that can act callously when not everything goes according to plan.

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