Loss of Innocence in Lord of the Flies Essay Sample

📌Category: Books, Lord Of The Flies
📌Words: 442
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 20 July 2022

Loss of innocence represents how the boys lose their innocence when making poor decisions. William Golding's message about the loss of innocence teaches readers how people can change when realizing their capabilities. 

When the young boys realize that there are no rules or adults, it causes more curiosity about what they can do. Throwing rocks at the littluns, but missing on purpose since they knew they would get in trouble with adults around them. But as they accumulate to be more comfortable in their environment, they aim the rocks closer to the boys on purpose. 

The boys become more laid back and creative with their acts by making their own rules and decisions. Simon's murder is an example of the loss and innocence by showing the boys becoming more controlling and bold with making those decisions. When Piggy realized what had happened with Simon, he was extremely upset about the situation.

Jack and his group fought Ralph's group for Piggy's glasses proved their violent capabilities. This event shows how much Jack and his group have matured since arriving on the island. They are no longer sweet, innocent, and inexperienced boys; they have become violent while causing chaos.

The amount of power and mind-changing abilities also comes from the loss of innocence.

At the beginning of the book, everyone was their own person until things changed quickly. From the start, Jack wanted to be the leader. Everyone agreed Ralph should be the leader instead. After some time, Jack became more of an argumentative character towards Ralph. Therefore they frequently get into disagreements. Although Ralph was the leader, he was a fair person,  and Jack's opinions were irritating. 

Jack not having any power caused him to be irritated. So, Jack wanted to have reelection for the leader. When Ralph won, Jack decided to stop following Ralph's rules and go to Castle along with all the hunters that followed. After the groups split up, Jack manipulated his group into thinking murder was okay, Simon was the beast, and Ralph was a threat. 

Although Jack took most of the group and excluded Ralph, Ralph knew that to be rescued, the right decision would be to stay on the beach. Jack's goal all along was to accumulate power and control everything. Jack became a savage-like person who was controlling, disrespectful, and manipulative. Rodger also became a lot like Jack. He killed Piggy to show his savageness. In the long run, Jack was the main character that caused problems and manipulation.

This book involves a good amount of violence, criminal acts, maturity changes, savageness, civilization, and braveness. The characters in this book all become different. Some become evil, smarter, civilized, and brave, and some wound up dead. This book represents how much can change when they're no laws, no adults, and only young boys. These boys lost their innocence while making undecidable decisions and doing risky things.

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