Something Blue by Emily Giffin Book Review

📌Category: Books
📌Words: 552
📌Pages: 3
📌Published: 16 September 2021

In the novel Something Blue by Emily Giffin, I saw there was a lot of loss and sorrow in the main character Darcy Rhone’s life. Throughout the novel, there were a lot of moments that I found related to me and others. The novel reveals the importance of reflecting on ones’ life from their personality. The theme of your life starts with you is expressed through Darcy Rhone’s tragedies, self-development, and happiness.

At the beginning of the novel, Darcy is a woman who’s selfish and ignorant. This causes Darcy to experience her ignorance and selfishness through a devastating experience. She discovers her best friend Rachel and fiance Dex are in love as she was having an affair. Her actions are reflected at this moment, I know this because Dex states to Darcy, “‘Isn’t that a bit of the pot calling the kettle black, Darce? You and Marcus, huh? Having a baby?” (12). Darcy’s ignorance hits her more harshly when Marcus breaks things off. I know this because Darcy states, “‘The person who wants out of the relationship always gets her way. It’s definitional.” The sad truth of the statement hit [Darcy] in the gut now. If Marcus wanted out, there was absolutely nothing [Darcy] could do to stop him” (128). This helps reflect the theme because Darcy was selfish and ignorant, therefore her love life fell apart. 

In the middle of the novel, Darcy moves to London to live with her childhood friend Ethan to start a new life. Ethan helps Darcy realize that she needs to improve on herself for herself and her baby. This realization left Darcy motivated to improve herself. I know this because Darcy tells the readers, “My life was stagnating. I needed to do more. For myself and for my baby” (209). With the knowledge of her ignorance and selfishness, Darcy immediately starts improving herself to become a better individual. At this moment in the novel was when her life took a turn for the better. I know this because Darcy states to the readers, “Ironically, this had cultivated a certain free-spiritedness that had, in turn, allowed me to be the life of the party and hoard the affection of additional men” (247). This helps demonstrate the theme because once Darcy improved herself, she started receiving blessings and her love life improved once again.

At the end of the novel, Darcy gives birth to her twin boys. With her twins born Darcy discovers that she’s in love with Ethan. Darcy’s life also has completely transformed into a dream of reality. I know this because Darcy states to the readers, “We had held hands many times before, but this time was different. It was a precursor to something more” (332). This helps demonstrate the theme that your life starts with you because once Darcy improved herself, she realized the love she had desired was in front of her all along.

In conclusion, the theme in the novel Something Blue by Emily Giffin is that everything in your life starts with you. This theme is demonstrated through Darcy’s tragedies, self-development, and happiness. With the development and tragedies, Darcy went through she was capable of viewing her life with a clear mind and heart. This theme relates to me and others because we all have tragedies, need self-improvement or development, and deserve happiness. Most of the moments in our lives reflect how we are, and what we put out into the world. Nothing in our lives would improve without the improvement of ourselves, and sometimes it takes the wind from elsewhere to help us achieve our self-development.

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