The Hero's Journey in the Alchemist Analysis Essay

📌Category: Books, Literature, The Alchemist
📌Words: 1109
📌Pages: 5
📌Published: 04 June 2021

Seeking adventure is one of the most important aspects of life. An adventure in your life is required to get closer to achieving your goal. The reason why seeking adventure is important is that it adjusts how we view the world. These three reasons are the results, the growth of you as a person, and the journey. 

The result of your journey is an important part of your adventure, but why is that? After you have completed your adventure, you will likely achieve what you were hoping to achieve. Getting what you hoped to get is an important thing because it shows that you gave your every ounce of strength to achieve what you needed to achieve and that you put all your time and effort into doing everything you could to succeed in your mission of life. This is evident in the book The Alchemist because Santiago had struggled while on his adventure to find the treasure he had so vividly dreamed about and after all the hard work he had put in, he had finally found the treasure that he had dreamt about. Once your adventure is completed, you will likely gather information that will help you later in your life. The information you could have gathered might be completely useless or it could be very valuable in your life, whichever it is, always remember what you have learned because it defines who you are. This is shown in the book The Alchemist because the Alchemist taught Santiago different things about the world. He taught Santiago about the “soul of the world” and how that connects humans and nature. You get something that you never knew you wanted. Once you finish your adventure, you will likely get something that you never knew you wanted until you had it. The best thing about an adventure is that there are so many things that you didn’t know existed until you come to find it. This is evident in the book The Alchemist when Santiago found a girl named Fatima and they fell in love with each other as soon as they laid eyes on each other, he didn’t know he wanted to be with someone else until he saw Fatima for the first time. There are so many good things about the results of your journey. You will most likely want to go on another adventure because of how it made you feel after you accomplished what you had been working so hard on.

When on your journey of life, you will grow significantly as a person; but in what ways do you grow? You will grow a lot in your mental state. This is because you will likely learn to be more open-minded and you might also learn how to allow change and when change happens, you can accept it easier than before you went on the adventure because not everything will go right. You learn to accept things as they are and without complaining. You grow in the way you see others because you come to understand that people around the world are much different from the people who lived in your birth area because of the way the people see the world, the culture of the people, the religion of the people, the climate of the place. All these reasons make you grow in the way you observe and interact with others. This is evident in the book one piece where the main character Luffy sails all around the world with his crew and meets new people who act and live differently based on where they are. You grow in the way you see the world. This is because of your experiences on your adventure and what happens to you while on your adventure. This is evident in the book The Alchemist because Santiago learns to live life to the fullest. You grow exceptionally when you go on an adventure and there are still several different areas that you could grow in if you go on more adventures, you just have to search for it.

People seem to think that the results of an adventure are the most important; but in reality, the journey is the most important. why is that? The people you meet throughout your adventure are important because they are the ones who are going to encourage you to continue on your journey. The people you encounter could also be trying to achieve the same goal as you, so that makes you feel like you aren’t alone and the ones who have the same mission as you will give you the confidence to continue your adventure. This is evident in the book one piece where Luffy is trying to achieve his goal of being the “pirate king” and he meets several different people who join his pirate crew and give him the confidence and strength to achieve his goal. The struggle involved with continuing your adventure can be difficult, especially when a loved one dies or something happens to you that could be detrimental to your goal. Don’t think about giving up and don’t let one setback completely ruin your adventure. This is evident in the book one piece because Luffy's brother had been executed right in front of him. This traumatic experience flooded him with emotions and he almost gave up on becoming the “pirate king” but he didn’t let that setback take effect on his dream. The idea that you could achieve what you want to do will positively affect your mental state because you will be thinking that you could do it and that you could achieve what you have wanted for a while and that all the hard work you put in would be finally worth it. This is evident in the alchemist when Santiago finally made it to the pyramids and he started to think that he could finally find the treasure he had been searching for, ever since he had those recurring dreams. The journey is worth more than the results and is probably the most important thing about the entire adventure because of everyone you meet and everything you learn.

An adventure in your life is one of the key aspects of your life. Without one; your life would be uninteresting and dull. We talked about the result of your adventure and how you might gather important information that you have never known about. In the second paragraph, we talked about the many different ways you grow as a person while on an adventure, you learn how to be patient and you learn how to interact with others from different places. Finally, we learned that the journey of your adventure is the most important part of it. This is because of the people you meet, the resilience it takes to continue your journey and the fact that you could achieve what you want to do while on your adventure. We only talked a little bit about why you should seek adventure out of the many different reasons why you should. So I leave you with this; when you have the chance to do something with your life, are you going to take it?

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